
Baby Birthday Parties...?

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My sons birthday is Sept 7 and my daughters is Oct 15. Would it be out of the norm to have a combined birthday for the both of them?

Also is it rude to put their shoe size and clothes size on the invitation? I would do it for a "just in case" situation so I dont have to take things back but I'm wondering how you would take it if you received an invitation with clothes sizes listed.




  1. I think  a party for both would be fine. I would do in the middle of both bdays. I made a birthday wish list that was on the inside of the party invitation to give ideas for my children and with this I included sizes so everyone knew! If you know your family and friends will be asking you anyway make it easier and just have it prepared for them~

  2. A joint party is fine. If they are little, they wont care anyways, the party for one year olds and two year olds is really more for the proud parent.

    No it's not rude, it's helpful. i do it for my son because people love buying him clothes.

  3. I'd say that it depends on how old they are.  When they are really young, they won't notice.  But, as the children get older, they will probably start to feel that their birthday is not important since they aren't getting their own celebration.  I had friends growing up who had combined parties with siblings and once they started school, they hated them.  By that time, children have different interests and friends.  Of course, a combined party is better than no party at all.  A lot of it depends on your children.

    I personally wouldn't put sizes on the invitation, but I wouldn't be offended.  However, I would feel that if the invitation has sizes listed that I absolutely have to bring a present.  I usually would bring a present anyway, but some people can't always afford one and may be offended by it.  People can easily call or e-mail to ask for sizes.

  4. Yes, it would be normal to throw their birthday parties together, if they are that close together on birth dates. But, I would not put their sizes on the invitations because people might think that you want them to buy the childs clothes and that if they dont that you would be made at them. If they wanted to buy some clothes for the kds, then they would call you and ask for the kids sizes.

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