
Baby Blues? (frustrated mommy)?

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My son is 9 mo. old. I love him more than ANYTHING, but sometimes i just get so frustrated with him!! Do any other moms find themselves getting frustrated, maybe even angry with their infants? (and I'm not talking about abuse here, just parents that get a little upset.) Sometimes I just get so upset I have to put him in the crib and walk away for 10 minutes to get a break. Any other moms experiencing this?




  1. yes I do, my daughter is 5 1/2 months and I get angry sometimes. I think it is very normal not that most parents would admit it. Especially not the supermoms on here. I love my daughter to death but there are times when I just set her down in her pack and play and walk away for a bit. Plus I am 18 weeks pregnant so it is making it even harder because I am emotional too. I just try to think about the good things. And usually when I get really really frustrated I put her in her stroller to go for a walk. Because she gets quiet and setlled and looks around, while I get some fresh air and peace and quiet. Being a parent is not easy at all, you will get through it, we all will, just keep taking your mommys time out's and that should help you. If you ever need to vent to someone or anything feel free to email me, we could all use it sometimes! Good luck!

  2. I'm not a mom, but I am a babysitter.  I have never felt overwhelmed (only because I don't have the baby 24/7, but the fact that you recognize that you do get frustrated and put him in a safe place and walking a way is good and that shows you do care.  Every once in a while you do need a break.  I hope you feel better.

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