I have two male ferrets. One is about 20-23 weeks and the other my new Canadian is about 8 weeks. The older Marshall one is very sweet, has never nipped and is calm. The new 8 week old is vicious. According to the company I purchased him from he was not handled much. He can be sweet at times but also a bad biter. He will get fingers, faces, clothes and yank and pull. He bit my 11 year old daughter so bad today she was bleeding. I have tried to yell "No!" have put him in "time-outs" I have scruffed behind his neck and drug him on his butt (like I've read to do from the books and many sites), I have bought the bitter apple spray and used that on my hands and my daughters but nothing seems to help. He is a bit nervous of people, when I walk into the ferret room he will usually hide until I sit down on the floor. I spend many hours each day around him so he gets a lot of attention. I don't like keeping him in his cage but its the only thing I can think of left to do. Any advice?