
Baby Kill Deer Help?

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My family has been watching the Kill Deer nest in our back yard for a while now. Today they hatched. There are four babies. 3 of them look extremely healthy, but one looks like he is already dead but is not. He looks really dried up and sick. It is a hot day 90 Degrees. Just wondering if there is anything we can do to help the sick baby? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. No it`s just a runt,I had baby kill dear before and they are really hard to keep alive..

  2. try putting a chair over it or something to keep it in the shade other than that I dont think there is anything he might be resting,were watching one too! 4 eggs!

  3. hatched? hatched? are not Deer classified as mammals? did they really hatch? how big were the eggs?
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