
Baby Movement at 11 weeks?

by Guest59907  |  earlier

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This is my second pregnancy. I feel a butterfly like flutter around my 7th week but, I pass it off as gas. Now in my 11th week, for the pass three days (at the same time) I feel a goldfish like sensation in my lower ab while at my desk at work. This carries on for few minutes. The second day it went on like a flipping goldfish for more than a few minutes, from being cute to bothersome. During my first pregnancy, I felt nothing (miscarriage). The flutter and the goldfish "popping" like feeling occurred around the exact same time. It is possible to feel the fetus moving so early?




  1. no, 16 weeks is usually the very earliest.  The heavier you are, the longer it'll take although all moms of all sizes should feel movement at 20-21 weeks.

  2. i felt early movement with each of mine after the second, but idont think you are feeling movement yet, since you havent had that sensation yet! but relax you will be having those wonderful movements all too soon

  3. It is possible to feel it, if it keeps up and it is not a BM then I would say it is a little swimmer!

    I loved those feelings...enjoy your time with your growing sweet.

    But yes, second pregnancies are much different and you know what to feel for, you get bigger faster b/c your body has memory.  sorry to hear about your loss.

    Good luck!

  4. it's probably muscle spasms. Usually 16 weeks is the earliest you can feel the baby move

  5. I believe its around 14-16 weeks before you can start feeling the baby move! If your worried, definately call your doctor!

  6. No, you are not feeling the baby.  But if you are pregnant, you really should change your avatar

  7. Yes it is possible

    I felt my first child move between 14-16 weeks

    the second at 12 and this one at around 10 weeks.

    People said it was too early...

    Your body.. you know what you feel.. Sounds like the baby to me.

    Congrats and sorry about your miscarriage.  

  8. Some people will say this is way too early, that it should be more around 18 to 20 weeks. But I am in my second pregnancy ( 8 weeks 5 days) I am showing already and I do feel my baby move. So I think it all depends on your body and if you know what you are feeling for.

    So I say from experience, yes what you are feeling could be your baby.


  9. How come your avatar is male ?

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