
Baby Name Battle between me and my husband!! haha?

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My husband and I are TTC and have been talking about names.. he has had his mind set on Trey Cameron if he had a son for the longest time.. so theres no changing his mind on it.. however.. since the boys name is his choice, the girls name is up to me..

okay.. the middle name Rose is a family name for my mothers side of the family.. however I was thinking of going with Marie after my mothers middle name because we are very close..

Would you pick:

Dakotah (or Dakota, pick one..) Marie

Dakotah Rose


Llana Marie

Llana Rose




  1. I wouldn't pick either of them.  Llana looks too much like Llama and Dakota is just plain stupid.

  2. I don't like either one or the spellings either. I think Dakota Rose is the best though.

  3. i liked llana marie. has a ring to it

  4. dakota to me is a boys name ... i like llana marie . or theres always carlie rose (just a thought :D)

  5. I like dakota marie the best but I like Llana rose except for the spelling of Llana. It looks like Llama. I would spell with one L

  6. Congrads! I like Dakota Marie the best.

    Good Luck!

  7. Sorry, I wouldn't pick either one.

  8. not Llana.. it looks like Llama.

    Dakota Rose is nice.

  9. i dont really care for the kind of names that could be for a boy or girl.

    i think that it is just a little wierd.

    and llana?

    is it like alana?

    thats cute.

    but if it was my kid,

    i wouldnt pick either.


    but i adore troy cameron.

  10. Llana marie is pretty. But so is Llana rose. Haha

    deffinetly thing Llana marie has a ring to it though.

    Dakotah Rose is also very pretty x x

  11. I like Lana Rose with 1 "L"  Those are two of my favorite names.  Best of luck!

  12. I don't really like either name but if I had to choose I would choose Lana Rose. I don't like Lana with 2's L's because it looks like llama.

  13. Definitely Llana Marie

  14. Llana Marie

  15. Dakotah Marie

  16. Dakota Marie most def. I LOVE the name... good luck

  17. Dakota Marie is the best one! And it's not a boys name people! it's unisex!

    Whichever name you choose will be perfect for your child because it's from you :)

    Good Luck & God Bless! CONGRATS!

  18. Dakota Marie is cute


  19. i like Llana marie it just sounds awsome


  21. Dakotah Rose. Llana soudns too much like Llama and reminds me of Lana from Smallville. (no offence to smallville fans but I hated her and she visited the hospital way too many times)

  22. llana is too close to llama

    and dakota is just plain ugly

    i wouldnt pick either.

  23. Dakota Rose is super cute!

    Llana ... with two l's? or Liana? Liana is cute. Llana looks like llama to me and that's not so cute.

  24. I like Dakota Rose.  It sounds like a beautiful Native American name.  I'm not too fond of Llana, it kind of looks like Llama, and if your daughter were to ever be around the spanish speaking community they might call her YANA (double L is Y).  Anyway, good luck!

  25. My first choice would be Llana Marie or Dakota Marie.

  26. Llana Rose! Its beautiful!;...

  27. Dakota Marie sounds best and Llana Rose sounds better.

    My suggestion would be Lilia Rose

  28. Dakota Marie

  29. i like llana rose

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