
Baby Name help. We want a name to go with Alexis Grace!?

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My fiance and I are in the process of adopting our 2nd child. Our first child(a girl)'s name is Alexis Grace. We want a name to go with that.

Which name would you like better:

For a girl: Dylan Faith


Madeline(Mad-ah-line, like the story about the litle orphan that lives in Paris)Caitlyn

For a boy:

Brian Anthony


Collin Reed

Please do not mix around the names or say that Dylan is a boys name(it can be both).

Which name do you like for each gender?




  1. I will respect your wishes and not mix them... Madeline Caitlyn is a little too much name in comparison to Alexis Grace, don't you think?

    Dylan definitely doesn't go with Alexis, but the theme of the middle name is cute (Alexi Grace, _____ Faith)  I

    As for your boy name: Collin Reed

    Good luck!  

  2. Not too crazy about either girl names, but Collin Reed is really cute for the boy!

  3. I like Madeline Cailtyn! It's very pretty.

    Brian Anthony from the boys. Both of those names are nice, and I love the combination also.

    Good luck!

  4. I like Dylan Faith because then both of your daughters would have Biblical middle names Grace & Faith!!!!!!!!! For the boy I like Collin Reed better though I Dont like the middle name Reed!!!!!!!!!! I hope I helped & congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I don't like either combo you have chosen for girl names.  Alexis Grace is such a nice, classic name.  Dylan Faith is too modern and Madeline Caitlyn does not flow well.  You asked that we not switch up the names but I think Madeline Faith works much better.

    For the boy names, I like Brian Anthony better.

  6. I love the name Alexis Grace very much!

    for your next girl

    Madeline Caitlyn is cute! You do a very good job of picking names!

    for a boy

    Collin Reed  

    also like

    Alexandra Aura

    Morgan Elise

    Quinn Tyler

    Brian Quinn

    Jack Colin

  7. PLEASE! I beg of you! Do not ruin the name Dylan for me. I really want to name my son that without people having to ask if he's a boy or girl when they hear his name. (I know you said that it can be used as both, but I really don't think it should be) Madeline Caitlyn is a nice girl name. I like Brian Anthony for the boy. Kudos for you in adopting, and good luck in the process!

  8. I think Madeline and Collin are my favorites. I like them. I think they go best with Alexis. Congrats on adopting number 2! Hope all goes well.  

  9. Madeline Caitlyn & Brian Anthony

    If you name the girl Dylan, she could be jealous of Alexis for having such a feminine name.

    And although I don't like the name Faith, I think Alexis Grace & Madeline Faith go much better together (Also the same amount of syllables)

    I love the name Brian (it's also my brother's name) and Anthony is really cute.



  10. Dylan Faith and Collin Reed are my faves from your list!  

  11. I love the name Madeline but I don't like it matched with Caitlyn.  MadelYN CaitlYN?  Yuck.  I know you said not to mix them, but Madeline Faith is much more adorable.

    I like Collin Reed for a boy hands-down.  I like Dylan for a girl but not when your older child has such a feminine name like Alexis.

  12. Madeline Caitlyn and Collin Reid

  13. Dylan Faith (love Madeline but not with Caitlin)

    Brian Anthony

  14. Congratulations! I really like your name choices! I would do Madeline Faith for a girl (they could go by Maddie and Lexi!) and Collin Reed for a boy! Good luck!

  15. I like Madeline

    If I dare say... Madeline Faith is a nice mix as well :)

    For boy:

    Collin Reed

    All the best and good luck :)

  16. madeline caitlyn


    collin reed.

  17. Dylan faith

    brian anthony

  18. Madeline Caitlyn   (Maddie-Caitlyn)

    Absolutely gorgeous

    and for a boy

    Collin Reed


  19. Dylan Faith for sure and Collin Reed for a boy.  

  20. I like Dylan Faith.

    It's cute that their middle names are grace and faith.

    I also like Collin Reed.

  21. I like Dylan Faith and Collin Reed, Hope this helps!!!

  22. Dylan Faith

    Collin Reed

  23. Madeleine and Brian Anthony  

  24. colin reed

    and madeline

    I like the name dylan but not with the middle name faith

  25. Dylan Faith is a beautiful name.

    Collin Reed for a boy.

  26. Dylan Faith (love the name Dylan for a girl)


    Brian Anthony

  27. Girl: Madeline Caitlyn

    Boy: Collin Reed


  28. Madeline Caitlyn

    Brian Anthony

  29. I was going to say Madeline Faith but you said no mixing so...

    Dylan Faith and Brian Anthony

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