
Baby Names? Help Please!!!?

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My Husband and I have three children. We have found out the s*x on all three but this time we are going to be suprised. Our kids names are Gracie, Jaxon and Conner. Here are some names that we like!!

Girl Names

1. Brooke

2. Lucy

3. McKenna

4. Cozette

5. Rio

6. Tatum

Boys Names

1. Damon

2. Evan

3. Kai

4. River

5. Milo

No middle names so far, Let me know what you think!




  1. Love








  2. I like Lucy for a girl and Kai for a boy.


  3. I like:







    But, with your other children's names.....I think the ones that fit the best are:

    Gracie, Jaxon, Connor & Lucy

    Gracie, Jaxon, Connor & Evan

    Very nice names!!!

    = )

  4. i love rio and kai

  5. I really like McKenna and Kai is going to be our children's middle names since I met my husband in Hawaii. I also like Lucy but Brook is very common...

  6. I like Tatum and Lucy and Kai and River.

  7. I love Brooke for a girl

    Brooke Lynn

    Brooke Leigh

    Brooke Renee

    Brooke Anne

    Brooke Chyanne

    Brooke Jane

    Brooke Carolyne

    Brooke Hope

    Brooke Faith

    Brooke Joy

    Brooke Hannah

    Brooke Alexis

    Brooke Leah

    Brooke Kaitlyn

    Brooke Hayley

    for a boy i like

    Damon Evan

    Damon Kyle

    Damon Ryan

    Damon Alexander

    Damon Shawn

    Damon Jeffrey

    Damon Aaron

  8. Lucy, Brooke and McKenna are cute.

    Damon, Evan and Milo.

    Milo Evan and McKenna Brooke

    Damon Milo and Lucy Brooke

  9. lucy and milo. they aren't overly common, but they aren't so "out there" that they will be teased, and in 30 years the names won't be outdated like so many names being created nowadays

    congratulations on all your children!

    keep me posted on what you end up chosing!

  10. What's with the x in Jaxon?  Poor kid.... Anyway, Lucy is the best out of your girl choices (what about Luisa or Lucia instead though).  Out of your boy list, I don't really like any, but Evan's the best you have I think.  Sorry....

  11. i love Brooke and Lucy for a girl (i like Brooke more)

    i love the name River for a boy.

    since you dont have middle names...

    Brooke is on my names list with the middle name Sophia-Brooke Sophia.

    i would also like to suggest Brooke Lucy which is cute, Brooke Morgan, Brooke Caroline and Brooke Addison

    River is on my names list as well, with the middle name Harris. River Harris.

    may i also suggest, River Owen, River Oliver, River Kai, River Ethan

  12. i like the name brooke for a girl and evan for a boy

  13. Lucy and evan are common names, and they sound good to me.

  14. Congratulations!!

    If I had to choose out of your choices, this is what I'd choose:

    For a boy- Milo Kai. I think both names are very cute, but not overused, and the names go well together.

    For a girl- Cosette Luciana. I LOOOOVE the name Cosette, and it's very uncommon to hear these days. Lucy is the other  name I like out of your choices, but Luciana sounds a bit better as a middle name to Cosette.

    Hope I helped!!

  15. Girls: #'s 1 and 2 I like, but the rest yuck

    Boys: 1, 2 and maybe 5 but 3 and 4 not at all

  16. McKenna is a beautiful name and Evan is very handsome and strong.

    Best of luck!


  17. !♥!first of all congratulations!♥!

    Brooke for the girl


    Kai for the boy

  18. Brooke and Evan :)

  19. Brooke Elisa

    Evan Lee

  20. Brooke Avery

    Lucy Claire

    Evan James

  21. brooke


  22. Brooke and Evan get my votes

  23. Brooke for a girl and Evan for a boy.

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