
Baby Names - What you think of this girl name!

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Crystal - what u think?




  1. when i was younger i liked that name, but now i think its a little..trashy? im sorry! it just always seems like strippers and stuff have that name.

  2. My best girl friend's name is Krystle, but I make fun of her for having a stripper name. Haha.... Any other names you like?  I like Cadence, it's kind of similar.

  3. lovely name :)

    i like lexi

    adison -

    i love thinking of baby names :D

  4. So pretty! I like it.

  5. its ok but it reminds me of a stripper's name sorry i think if crystal was her middle name it would be fine  

  6. don't like sounds like a drug

  7. i personally dont like it all that well what about:








  8. Don't like at all. Sounds like sky, or Britney. I hate names like that.

  9. I like it!

  10. its ok, i would prefer something that stood out a little more, maybe a little more traditional or unusual

  11. i love it, its a nice strong names, it'll withstand some very tough times  

  12. I love it. I don't think it is a council house name, like some other dough-nut just said. It's spelled properly, isn't a made up name - no problem. Go for it.

  13. Its up to you...if you really like the name then you should name her that...just remember you are the one that has to put up with the name for the rest of yours and your childs life

  14. It's not my favorite. Caroline or Christine are prettier names in my opinion.

  15. my cousins girlfriend is named crystal and she is a sweet girl. krystal is cute too. :)

  16. thats really pretty except do you think she would like the nick name crys?

    i would settle for a diff name

  17. Ever Crystal I've know has been black.  I don't know if why, and it DEFINITELY NOT a bad thing LOL.  That's just what I'd imagine a little girl name Crystal being.

    I think it's cute for a little girl, but not so much as she gets older and becomes a woman.  Like, imagine a lawyer or CEO named Crystal.


    If you like jewel/jem names there's also







  18. Not really fond of it.  I'm glad you're spelling it right, though!

  19. I love it - if i had another girl it would be Crystal or Crysite probably.

  20. its nice!

    i know mny frends and kids named that!

    some r even spelt with K -KRYSLTAL -KRISTAL.

    I LIKE IT!

  21. Sounds very Katie Price!  I can't explain it but Crystal is 'chavtastic' but gemstones like Ruby are not. If you wanted to put even more of a spin on it why not change the C to a K, Krystal is a little more trendy.

  22. I've always liked it.

    Though I've known some CRAAAAAZY Crystal's in my day.

  23. I like it and all people are different if you are a good parent im sure your daughter won`t be a s***k or a stipper

  24. The meaning of the name Crystal is Earth Mineral Or Brilliant Glass

    The origin of the name Crystal is Latin

    I like it but one of my best friends is called crystal!!!

  25. that is cool, but  l like girls with boys names for some reason. Like Jordan, or alex

  26. It's way better than mine. Never name a child after a spice.

  27. I read some of the answers on here and they are so negative

    I think Crystal is a beautiful name

    If you like it go for it

    Its better than some of the names you hear on here


  28. its definitely pretty but it sounds so unoriginal at the same time. I have met ppl with names like Crystal and they are all school drop outs who have kids at 14 and 15 yrs and their youth is over before they know it, caus they have kids so young.

    I dont really like it, it definitely has tacky and cheap associations, although its a pretty name, its not enough to make it un-cheap sounding.

  29. Nice name, and as long as you like it then go with it, ignore the awful remarks you get on here, it doesn't matter what name you put on here, there will always be a lot of nasty remarks like these! Crystal is a very pretty name, as long as your surname isn't Ball lol!

  30. Ahh, a little trashy for me.  But it is your baby and it is what you think that matters.

  31. lovely name hunni,if u like it thats all that matters, i chose neve for my kid names and belive me am sick off death off ppl calling her eve!  

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