
Baby Robin flew away?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so there were three birds and two went away and the third one stayed. The mom never came back. We waited 8 hrs. So we took the baby Robin in and after three days, we finally got it eating on a regular basis. It then started flying around the house and chirping. So we decided to let it go. I'm just wondering, by letting it go, what are the chances that it will survive in the wild after having been fed by a syringe for the past three days?




  1. Fledglings are like 18 year old kids.  The parents keep an eye on them and feed them on occasion - but they are on their own quite a lot.  It is good you let it go since if you were using a syringe you were probably not feeding it the proper diet.  The parents would only feed it for a moment and then fly away again looking for food.  If it did not lose to much weight while with you it will probably be fine.

  2. why is it that people ALWAYS SEEM TO THINK THEY NEED TO MEDDLE IN NATURES WAY,the parents would look after it that natures way.Leave things well enough alone and they will work out
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