
Baby Shower Invitation Wording: Rude?

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My mother is throwing me a baby shower in about two months. Would it be rude to include on the invitation "No clothes, please"? We have already bought her so many clothes, and she won't get to wear half of them as it is. I'm worried that everyone would give me clothes, instead of what we registered for (such as bottles, crib sheets, a baby moniter, etc.) I went to a friend's shower recently and thats all she got was clothes.




  1. I think it is perfectly fine. But like other people have said, just say "No baby clothes please, we have a lot already" or something like "No baby clothes please, Grandma already bought too much!" something cute like that.

  2. Maybe says something like "Baby's closet is bursting at the seams with pink but we're registered for other fun things at blah blah and blah"

  3. I don't think it's rude. It's ur shower. People shouldn't take it the wrong way.

  4. It would be rude to put that on your invitations.  I was worried about the same thing - we had so many clothes we couldn't fit them all in a dresser and closet.  Seriously, a ton of clothes.  Turned out that it was a blessing!  It made it so we didn't have to do her laundry very often, since that was pretty much the last thing we wanted to do.  Then when she blew through several outfits a day, it wasn't a big deal.  She wore all of them, except the ugly stuff, lots of times.  So don't worry about it!

    And I got a lot of clothes for the shower, but a lot of stuff I did register for.  Just have your mom spread the word that you need baby stuff, not so much clothes, and that should do the trick!

  5. Its not rude at all. The point of a baby shower is to help the family with things they need. If you really don't need clothes, than say so.  As a guest, I would feel bad if I bought you something you didn't need.

  6. No, it's not rude at all.

    However, you should probably include on the thing, "No BABY clothes."   Because the way that's worded, it's too loose an interpretation and you SO don't want people showing up in the buff..

    lol, jk.

  7. Since your Mother is throwing the baby shower for you, leave it up to her to tell each invitee that NO CLOTHES ARE REQUESTED and where you are registered.  That way, even if someone takes it badly, you can blow it off, with Mom was only "trying to help" and no one will be bothered that ir was you being rude.  Mothers have a way of getting things across without ruffling too many feathers, and even if they do, they don't really care!  LOL!  At least mine wouldn't give a tinkers tu-tu!  Hope this helps you!  Good luck and congratulations on your soon to be new bundle of joy!

  8. That's a tough question to answer, since people take things wrong a lot. Make sure gift cards are listed on your registry. That will make things easier for some people. I think it is okay to tell close friends and relatives, but not people you don't know very well.

  9. YES it's RUDE.  Baby showers, bridal showers and housewarmings are not gimme gimme gimme parties and you do not get to dictate your gifts.  You've done all that is permissible to do with your registry.  If you don't think you're going to need all the clothes (but you will) sell them on ebay.

  10. The baby shower is not about gifts, no matter how much people may think it is. It is about celebrating the baby. Gifts are something given freely from the heart because your friends and family care about you. If they choose to give you gifts, you should be grateful for anything you get. If you get all clothes, oh well. You can always take a pile of clothes back to babies'r'us and exchange them.

  11. no it wouldn't be rude to say you don't need more baby clothes but I would phrase it in another way than just "no clothes, please"as this seems - to me - a bit cold. I would add why a funny & cute way...because you already received enough of them from the dotting grandmas.

    In Europe, for a baby shower, we make up a list of specific things (sizes, colours, nbrs, etc...) mum & baby need or may need. This list is then posted in one of the shops selling baby articles (Mother Care, Macy's, Nordstrom, etc...) so that, your guests can check it out and offer you something within their budget. \you'll get what you want and your guests will be sure to offer you something that you will really value & use and this within their budget.

    On the invitation , you'll just have to write that your "baby Shower list" is in e.g.  Macy's in Denver or wherever. In most cases, these shops will give you  a 10 % or more voucher on the total of the sales they made with your list.

    This is a win-win situation for all parties concerned.

    Engagement, wedding, house warming shower or baby shower lists are very common in Europe. As a matter of fact, people expect them. I do not know if this is the case in the USA but, maybe,  you may like to start a new trend :)

    Just make sure that your list includes articles in different price ranges. (from cheap - e.g. a pacifier - to more expensive e.g. a crib, a bed, a pram, etc..)

    Enjoy your little bundle of Joy!

    Hope this help.

    Edit : it is not because you include a baby shower list on your invitation that your friends have to be feel obligated to buy from it but it will give them an idea of what you'll need or wish. Also (ref. to some of the other answers), new parents have a baby shower to show of their new addition to their family...not to get gifts but, let's remain honest, guests will bring gifts so make everybody happy : parents will get what they need for their baby and the guests will know that what they offer (sometimes with their hard earned money) will be appreciated.

  12. I would not put it on the invitation, but maybe put a separate little note in the envelope stating that since you have been blessed with an over abundance of clothing you ask that if any clothes are bought that they are of larger sizes to be worn later. Most people if they want to get clothes and see this will buy something the child can wear later. Others who want something you can use now will buy something else.

  13. You are asking for gifts, and then you are going to say what the gift is going to be?  Yes, it is very rude.   A gift is what someone else WANTS to buy you, not necessarily what you choose.  Why don't you have a baby viewing instead, and insist on no gifts.

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