
Baby Shower ideas?

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I've been given the task of hosting a couples baby shower.

They do not know what they are having and they are thinking of going with the theme "down on the farm" for their nursery.

I'm looking for ideas to help make it unique and fun.

I'm open to suggestions...any suggestions.

Theme?? Games?? Something other than, eat food and watch the couple open gifts.

Thanks for all of you great ideas... I really appreciate it...I only have a few weeks to put this together.




  1. Since the theme is down on the farm, you can go to the dollar store and get some inexpensive small stuffed animals that you find on a farm and put them around the party, ducks, cows, sheep, etc, and use those as decorations.  

    For the centerpieces you can either ask a florist for a square piece of wood that looks like a picket fence and then have floral foam in the middle with the flowers in the middle, or you can make it yourself.  Just fine something square and then make the picket fence yourself.  Most florists do make arrangements that way though.  You can just ask them to buy the base and you do the rest.  Put the foam in and then have the flowers coming out.

    You could also decorate in the colors of what she's having, if you know if the baby is a boy or girl, or if you don't know go yellow and green, but I LOVE the idea of decorating in the theme of the nursery, but you have to make sure that they're sure that's the theme of the nursery before you go ahead with all the hard work you're going to do.  

    You can get a cake done and have it decorated with a barn and some animals on it.

    You can also get a farm coloring book or look for some clip art online and enlarge it and have that as decorations, check party stores to see if they have any decorations to match the theme of the party.

    You can get streamers and balloons in red and white, being the barn is red and the fence is white. The animals add to the color and they can be added around as accents with the stuffed animals.  You can do Ty beanie babies and get the ones you would find on a farm etc.

    You can even go to a toy store and buy the Little People farm set, it's by Playschool and set that up, which would also double as a gift for when the baby's older. It would be a very cute addition to the decorations and it's not expensive.  You can also look around for what they have in farm themes, usually Toys R' Us has plenty of farm theme things for parties and toys, you can even get little toy John Deere tractors and put them on the tables, just one or two.  All these things can go home with the parents at the end of the party as part of the present.

    For games, you can do what you would find on a farm.  List a bunch of different things you would find a farm and then ask your guests to come up with their own lists and the person with the most, wins, and listing the individual animals is counted as one thing, instead of just saying animals.  

    You can also do a game of what would the baby farm animal be called, like a baby cow is a calf and and a baby duck is a duckling, and go on and on with the different farm animals, and whoever gets the most right, wins.

    If you do an online search of baby shower games, you will come up with tons of websites and you can just change it up to a farm theme.  

    You can even do the tablecloths in a white and red checkered so it looks like a picnic on the farm and then have red napkins to go with it.   You can even do just a plain red tablecloth and have red or red napkins and white napkins.

    You can also cut a picket fence out of foam board and have it go around the food table, so you have the red and white tablecloth and then the picket fence around the table.

    You can have baskets to hold the flatware, being on a farm, they colllect eggs and things in baskets, you can put the flatware in the napkins, roll them up and tie them together with a piece of twine and put them in a basket. When the guests get their food, they can take their flatware out of the basket which is rolled in their napkin.  You can also keep rolls in baskets.

    If you have a big red flyer wagon or if you can borrow one, put the gifts that people give in there,  As the gifts come in, put them in there and those that don't fit, put thm around the wagon and pile them around the wagon.  Then when it's time for gifts, you can hand her the ones on the floor and wheel the wagon to her with the ones in the wagon!

    They also make small red flyer wagons, ones that can be used as centerpieces. they're the size that a doll or stuffed animal can fit in.  You can one or two of them and put that on the table with the food and make that hold the flatware.  You can even put that where the drinks are and have the cups piled in it, etc.

    I hope these helped and that you have a great shower!

  2. print some papers with baby words on it and scramble them up and make them unscramble the words

    buy some clothes pins and give each person one clothes pin, and whoever says the word baby will lose their pin to the person who caught them saying it, by the end of the shower whoever has the most pins wins a gift

    put chocolate candybars in diapers and melt them, pass around and make everyone guess what kind of candybar it is

    take some toilet paper and make everyone guess what size the mothers belly is, and then after everyone has done it measure her and see who is the closest, then give a gift to the winner

  3. play farm type games like-

    Find the needle in the haystack- get a large bucket or clear plastic storage tub and get a small bail of hay from the garden center and put a bunch of safety pins in it and have the teams try to find as many safety pins that they can in a certain amount of time.

    potato sack races or a three legged race for the couples

    cow pie toss- doesn't have to be real cow pies! maybe make fake ones from mud and have the couples try to toss them the farthest in the yard

    lasso contest- have a rocking horse in the middle of the yard and get a lasso and have the couples try to lasso the horse!

    play the baby animal game where you have to come up with the babies name of all the farm animals- rooster=chick, cow=calf, etc.

    maybe a fun game of pin the tail on the donkey!

  4. You have alot of great ideas for decorating and food....  Here are a few standard shower games:

    Have each guest bring a baby picture of themselves.  Number them and display them.  Everyone has to write down who they think each photo is - gift for the winner

    Bring out a large platter with 20 baby-related (or farm) items on it and pass it around for about a minute.  Then take it away, and people have to list all the items they remember that were on the platter - gift for the winner

    Everyone writes down the names of the parents - They have 1 minute (or whatever) to list all baby names that can be made out of the letters in those names (only using each letter as many times as it's in the names).  Longest list gets a prize.....

  5. When my friend had her baby shower, they bought a thing o ribbon and each guest got to estimate how big the belly was and the closest to her size got a prize.  They also had another game where they mashed up different candy bars in diapers and they were passed around and everyone wrote their answer on a piece of paper.  The one who had the most right answers got a prize.  They also set a whole bunch of baby stuff on a platter and everyone got 30 seconds or so to check it out [[it had a bib, know accessories for baby]]  and whoever could remember the most, got a prize.

    They also had something really cool there.  They are scrapbookers and bought supplies so everyone could make their own page for the baby.  Since you guys dont know the gender or the name, you can make generalized pages.

    I would use a neutral color for the babys party, maybe yellow and if they are gonna use down on the farm as a theme for the nursery maybe you can get a cake with this theme as well.  Hope this helps!

  6. At my baby shower we had the guests each write a piece of parenting advice on index cards. Before each gift was opened, they were read randomly. Some were really funny - especially from the kids that were there. Some were more serious and heartfelt. They are a nice keepsake for the parents to be too.

    I would match the theme to the theme the parents are using for the nursery if they are sure that's what they want. The barnyard theme would make for a really cute cake!
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