
Baby Shower question?

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I am 30 weeks pregnant with our first baby (a girl!). We are thrilled, nervous and excited beyond belief and can't wait for her to arrive. I am a little sad, however, because it looks like I am not going to have a baby shower. My mother and sisters are clear across the country, my mother-in-law lives in the same town but has very little interest in the pregnancy or the baby, and my friends are all extremely busy and honestly just not the type of crowd to do the baby shower thing. I didn't think that I would be bothered by the prospect of not having a shower, but as our baby's delivery date gets closer, I am actually getting very sad about it. It isn't about presents to me, but it IS about a celebration and an acknowledgment of the most important thing in the world to us.

Any suggestions for accepting it just isn't going to happen and getting over it?

We do have a registry on Babies R Us for our long-distance family that has asked what we need, and my family is buying us the "big" stuff (crib, stroller) but it's just feeling like we are really alone in this, when we should be celebrating the joy with the people we care about.

Am I just being too sensitive? I know, a sensitive pregnant woman... shocking... ;)




  1. My family seemed the same way, and they through a surprise baby shower, so maybe there is still hope. Most baby showers aren't held until you are about 7 to 8 months along anyways. Just mention it alot around people you know and maybe they will get the hint :)

  2. ok heres something to think about.... a meet the baby party. after your lil bundle arrives you can invite family and friends to meet the baby. it is perfectly ok for you to host this type of party. you can just have finger foods and sandwhiches and a cake. i would set it up like an open house where people can come from like noon till 4 or something like that. on your invites, you can mention that you are registered at babies r us. i would think about getting the invitations b4 the baby gets here and filling them out all except the date and the time. then when you have her send them out as a birth announcments/invite. it would be great... oh and make sure you have hand sanitizer around so your baby doesnt get all germy--people will want to hold her and everything. i would plan on having it when she is like 2-3 weeks old. oh and you can talk to some of your fam that lives a ways away and ask if they think they could make it.

  3. I was reading online about virtual baby showers. the other thing is maybe you could discuss this with your family and maybe fly out to see them for the weekend.

  4. The best time to have a baby shower is after the baby is born. That way, your friends can all come together to see your baby. Throw yoourself a little one, in the way that you invite all your friend over one afternoon or evening and have appetizers and things.  

  5. Im sorry dear. You guys could always have a little get together at your house or something and invite your close friends and family. Some think its tacky, but you dont have to advertise it as a shower but a celebration!!! Maybe have it like a last hoora before baby comes. good luck!!!

  6. As soon as a couple learns they’re having a baby, one of the first things to do is to plan a baby shower. For any excited parent, this is one of the most memorable events in their life. A baby shower lets them share the wonderful feeling with their closest relatives and their friends. During this party, everyone eats, exchanges funny stories about parenthood, and gives gifts and advice to the mom and the dad.
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