
Baby Sitting Service?

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I want to start a baby sitting service because I'm very bored during summer, and I need some extra cash. I'm not old enough to get a job but how much should I charge for baby sitting? If there are any moms or dads out there, what do you look for in a baby sitter? Any advice? :]




  1. im not a mom or dad but i no what a good babysitter should be! a good babysitter should be a person who loves kids! a person who would never want them to get hurt! also a person who can deal with little kids. sometimes they can be a handful. most of the time they are a handful when they are 4, 5, 6, and maybe 7. kids those ages most of the time very active and jumping off the walls.

    you should avoid giving them a lot of sugar. if their parents leave things such as sugary drinks, candy, cookies, or ice cream, let them have a little but if they want more say something like(4 the sugary drinks) you can have this for now and when your finished you should have some water. a good babysitter is also a person who will play with kids. kids HATE it when there babysitter does not play with them. so if your ever babysitting dont talk on your cell phone all night, try not, if at all possable not to talk on your phone at all. texting is ok just dont over do it.

    a lot of the time(if you are babysitting more then 1 kid) they will want to do different things so you have to be accomindating. try to come up with things that they all would want to do. or if nothing pops into your head just sau something a long the lines on: well how about we play your game first then we can do that ok with you??? sometimes they will say yes and other times they will say no.

    sometimes when your babysitting you will not want to do what the kids want to do. if they want to do crafts but you dont feel like doing crafts you will just have to deal. you dont have to do a craft but you should keep an eye on them at all times and help them when they need help

    also CLEAN UP!!!!if the parents say"o dont worry about cleaning up we will get it when we come home" clean up anyways. think about it would you like to come home to a messy home?? its easy. if u use a plate clean it. it you pull out a board game put it away. the parents will be much happier when they come home.

    as far as the pay thats something you should discuss with your parents and the parents of the kids you watching. you might want to charge less if your just started to babysit. but generally the more kids a little more money. and most of the time you will charge an hourly fee. sorry i could not give you a direct price but different people will want to give you more or less money depending on there wealth. not saying if you babysit for a rich family you should ask for $15.00 an hour but what ever you and the parents decide on.

    thats all i can think of for now but if you want to know any more just email me!!!!

  2. i would say $5.00 an hour

  3. well when i babysit for these kids (one, three and five) i get five dollars an hour for one kid, seven for two and ten for three...but these people pay a lot cuz i fed their fish four times over the weekend once and they tried to give me 2o i dont know if they pay high or not....

  4. I started babysitting when I was 11, and since I was so young, I charged $5 per hour, and I added on another dollar every 2 years. (For example, when I was 13 years old, I charged $6 per hour, and so on)

    Also, I would charge a little bit more for a child under age 1 because of the difficulty.

    Once I got to be 16 years old, I got my first nanny position, where I charged $9 per hour -which was a nice chunk of change for a teenager.

    Now at age 19, I'm a full-time nanny and make $15 per hour.

    If I'm asked to baby-sit my rate is $5 per child, with a minimum of $10 per hour.

    (i.e. If there's 4 children, I make $20 per hour because 5 x 4 = 20, but if there's only one child, I still make $10.)

    If you're 14 or under, don't ask for more that $7 per hour- you might be charging too much, and the family might not use you again.

    **Side note-  if the children are already sleeping when you get there, ask or expect for a lower amount, because really all you'll be doing is sitting and watching TV or reading a book.**

  5. .i did that to its so fun maybe 30 every night i know its not a lot but u will make a lot of tips no texting and watch the baby all the time get business cards  put them n stores and stuff and the best part buy a kit and put toy games bubbles what ever call it baby sitting kit

  6. well i am not a mom or dad but i do baby sit and i know from experience that they want you to be able to change dipers and/or underwere, cook, comb hair, dress kids, tuck kids in, read stories, but most of all they want to know that you know all of the emergency numbers.

  7. Someone that loves to be around kids and takes an active interest in them.

    Someone that is responsible and qualified to take care of emergency situations that may come up.

    Someone that makes the babysitting time fun for their kids.

    If you are really good at those 3 things above you can definitely charge a bit more for your services... and the kids and parents will want you to come back again and again.

  8. Depending on your age and how much responsibility you show. 3-5 bucks an hour.

  9. I baby sit lots of kids...

    I charge...

    Infants: 7.00 a hour

    Toddlers: 5.00 a hour.

    Children: 3.00 a hour.

    Double it per child and age.

  10. I babysit for my 2 year old god brother 3+ times a week and I charge his parents a flat rate of 10 dollars for a couple of hours. 20 for 3 or more at night. And 30 for 6 hours.

  11. I have been a babysitter for a while now, I have watched kids ages. 2, 6, 7, 10, 12.

    I watch the 6/yr old girl the most and i charge her mom $15/day. Believe me charge per day the parent will feel like their getting a better deal and won't have to calculate per hour because someday youi may watch the child more or less.

    When you watch multiple kids charge more. For me the 2,7,10 and 12 year old are siblings. I would charge their mom alot more.

    Also, make sure you have something for the kids to play with. They older boys i watch like to play video games so i let them play my wii. The 6/yr girl just likes to play dress up and go to the nearby park.

    But, i'm sure you'll do fine and the extra money is great. lol

    Good Luck!

  12. yeah i would say 5 buks an hour, but more depending on how many kids ther are. and if they have any special needs..

  13. I would say about $5/hour.

    You could also offer basic housekeeping or cooking chores while you are there, definately charge more if you do that.

    I'm not a mom, but I used to be the extra "auntie" who took care of kids for my friends.

    Parents want someone responsible, who shows up on time and does what they say they will do.  They want someone who is good with their kids, who can get along with them and entertain them, but still set and stick with limits and enforce any limits or rules that the parents define.  They want someone who doesn't empty the fridge and leave a mess.

    As with any employment, if you go a bit beyond what is expected of you, you will win smiles and appreciation.  Whenever I babysat, I would wash the dishes and be sure I didn't leave any new or extra messes in the house.  I would also be sure to ask about bedtime, baths and nightime routines for the kinds.  The parents would come home to cared for kids and a clean kitchen...

  14. Well it depends on age!!! The younger they are the more u charge!!!!! and they all you have to do is be nice and do a lot of activitys with them to keep them busy
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