
Baby Turtles ! ! ! ! !

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i have a red eared slider at home he is only a few months old he is still very little. how do you tell if they are a boy or a girl at this very young age

here is a picture




  1. I havee on justt like that!


    If he has long nails he's a boy . If you look underneath his shell (the bottom part) and the black spots at the bottom of it is close together it is a boy. You cannot tell if your turtle is a boy or a girl until it's 10 cm long.

    Hopee this helpedd! :)  

  2. it may be too small to tell i do know when they get bigger a males nails will be very long almost freddy kruger like and a females are short.same goes for the tail and the under shell of a female will be more flat while a males will be a little concave.......

  3. I'm pretty sure thats a girl, but i'm also pretty sure I named my girl turtle scar and my boy turtle lilly...

  4. 1) The black spots on the underside are characteristic of the yellow-bellied slider, a different subspecies from your RES. The spots have no relationship to the s*x.

    2) There is no safe way to s*x an immature turtle. Wait a few years and see if the front claws grow.

    3) I'm 50% sure that the s*x of your RES is *****.

  5. Your turtle is too young yet.

    How to Determine the s*x of a Slider

    Is my turtle a boy or a girl?

    Similar to how captive RES grow at a faster rate, they also mature sexually faster than wild RES. As previously mentioned, females are physically larger and have a smaller tail. Males have longer, thicker tails and longer front claws with the cloaca closer to the tip of the tail.

    Too small to tell!

    In general, the sexual maturity of a RES is mainly based on its size. You have to wait for these characteristics to develop before you can determine their gender and you cannot easily distinguish the s*x of a RES that is less than 4 inches in length. The rough estimations for captive RES are: 2-4 years for males with a SCL of 4" and 3-5 years for females with a SCL of around 5". In cases of excessive overfeeding, sexual maturity will be reached faster.

    Older male RES might have other features that may be visible. Males will have a slightly longer nose/snout area.  The end of the male plastron may also be partially curved inwards or appear concave. This allows the male some stability during mating. Both these features are too subtle to be a reliable factor for sexing young RES.

  6. it's very hard to tell at a young age. you can get a blood test or attempt to check it's claws. males have longer claws. males also grow slow and grow to a little over 5 inches, females grow faster than males and get to a foot long.

  7. well, ya know. flip it over and look for yeah..

    no more said.

  8. He is so cute!    You would have to have someone experienced with turtles to answer your question.

  9. look at its tail... if it is very long its a boy if it is shorter its a girl.

  10. they have to be at least 3" in size to see if the males long nails are starting to grow real long. They also have a fatter tail than the female.

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light for  8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that  they need to grow.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily drop 20 or so in the tanks and watch them disappear!

    They need leafy greens for vitamins at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    And a big tank 55 gallons or more..

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