
Baby Water Dragons?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought a baby water dragon today, and I was wondering how you tell if they are male/female and if they will drink out of the same dish that they lie in? I had it out a little bit ago, and it was opening it's mouth kind of like a crocodile does and just sitting there like that in my hand...




  1. i have got a water dragon as well

  2. well you may have to wait this he/she is older to tell the s*x. Most reptiles are not sexually mature untill atleast 6 months of age if not longer. Also yes you can have one big dish for drinking and soaking but if the animal defactes in the dish cage the water immedatly and clean the dish. make sure there is water at all times for full body immersions up to at least 1/2 their height. since he/she is young i bet he/she is not use to being held and was feeling stressed out by the handling, just keep working with him.
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