
Baby avoiding formula feeds..?

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I wasn't lactating much after my child was born[first week] and she was fed exclusively on formulas.then i began lactating so much that i stopped her formulas and fed her only breast at 4 weeks, she is not taking any formulas and spits them when bottle is i try to give her formula along with breastmilk or just continue to nurse her only with breastmilk.. am worried.

Also,how much does a month old weigh..





  1. If you are producing enough breast milk I would keep doing that. But I know that feeding formula is easier just in case you want to take a break and have someone else feed the baby so I would try just one feeding a day with the formula to get your baby used to it. All babies weigh differently at 1 month. I suppose it would matter on how much they weighed at birth. My little man was a preemie and weighed 4 lbs 4.5oz at birth and was up to 5lbs 6oz at 1 month. good luck!  

  2. Re-Read and Re-Think your question...WHY would you want to give your child formula when you are making plenty of Breast-Milk? MY ADVICE....Throw the formula out and Exclusively Breast-Feed. ~~Problem Solved~~

  3. I don't think switching from formula to breast milk back and forth like that helps your baby girl get used to only 1. She just needs to get used to breast milk cause its healthier and cheaper. And you can avoid packing a light diaper bag without formula. Make it easier on your back and pockets (money). At birth my son was 6lbs. 7oz. At one month he weighed about 9 or 10 lbs. Then his weight sky rocketed to a big boy after one month.

  4. If you are making enough milk now then just feed breastmilk exclusively. There is no benefit in supplimenting with formula when she an get natutres best 100% of the time.

    plus she doesnt want the fornula so your baby knows best :)

  5. Breastmilk, its easier and if you are doing it properly then she shouldn't even need formula. That may be why she is spitting up so much. Not all babies need supplements!

    My baby was 12 pounds at one month...but that's quite big

  6. i would stick to brestmilk if you wish to continue to brestfeed. the more you breastfeed the more milk you produce which will be great as your baby grows because she will need the extra. introducing formula into the mix is not a great idea because it will decrease your milk supply if you do decide to keep giving formula the always pump out as much breast milk you can into a baby bottle and put it in the fridge where it can be kept for 24 hours. and after the formula next feed offer baby your breast and feed after that offer the bottle of breast milk and then pump again and continue this. by pumping breast milk you will increase and keep your milk supply up. as for weight a formula fed baby is heavier as a breastfed baby. when they are breastfed it digests a whole lot easier and exits more frequently. so i wounldnt worry about your babies weight but average is around 10-13lbslbs but differs with each baby. hope this helps

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