
Baby ball python lost please help?

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my baby ball python has been missing for four days now. and i want a answer on how to attract it to a spot so i can catch it . i need to find it.




  1. nope no way  get another 1  and im not kiddin

  2. Do you have a few basking spot lights you can use? If so, set them up in a few areas. This area will be warmer then the rest of the house, which in turn can help attract him there.

    Do you have rooms without carpet? Some people will lay down flour on the floor, that way if the animal goes in their, you will know it was there.

    The food option is also good, keep a basking light there as well.

    Try looking in the smallest of spots. When snakes escape, they will often go to where they will feel secure.

  3. A strong scent will bring him out more than heat.

    An unconscious mouse will do the trick.

    Don't give up - just keep looking!

    If its in the house - and you care enough; you should eventually find it!

  4. buy a live mouse, and keep it in a tank in the middle of a room and the scent might draw him out. check behind and under fridges, washing machines, dishwashers, and anything that emits heat.  try putting a mouse tank by a vent or do anything you can to blast the smell of a mouse or rat through the house.

  5. All these people have missing snakes...what's up with that. Hope you find it for the snake's sake.

  6. I've heard that if you get a heating pad and place that in a secure postion (I'd imagine even setting up a hide - maybe cut a hole in a cardboard box and turn it upside down and put the heating bad in there) and put it in a secure location hopefully the snake will go there.  You may even try putting a thawed mouse in there if it is around the time he is hungry.

    Good luck.

  7. The best places to look are under the fridge and stove (the like the heat) also in the clothes hamper under piles of clothes.  Don’t forget they can climb…look on table legs in room corners in closets…depending on how small the snake is look in shoes.  If you have hardwood or vinyl floors you could put a row of flour down at doorways and such, if the snake crosses the flour it will trail…you will at least be able to tell which way the snake went.  A friend of ours found his ball python in a bag of substrate that he had bought…there was a hole that the snake went in through.  It will show up eventually.  We had one ball python that used to get out and go up under a table (there was a “shelf” under the table where the snake liked to go.  Another ball python got out and went into the couch cushions…another time he got out and just went exploring.  Another ball python got out and went behind a large blanket chest.  Another ball python got out and she was gone for about 3 weeks then one night we heard a crash and went to investigate and she was on top of the table going toward her “house”.  Lets see…we had a blood python that got out and crawled up on top of the ball python cage another blood got out and went under his cage.  Our kingsnake got out and we found her in a dresser drawer.  The point is we have had lots of escapes and none of them were permanently lost…snakes are crazy.  

  8. When it comes around to his feeding time then just put his food out somewhere where he can find it to see if he will come out, also look in places where there are a lot of hiding spots available they will hide almost anywhere.

    hope i helped!

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