
Baby bearded dragon, I'm scared she might be dying! =(

by  |  earlier

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I have a VERY young bearded dragon, probably no more than a month old. I've had her for a little over a weak and she's only eaten about 5-6 crickest since I've had her and she seems to be sleeping quite a bit. I thought she needed to p**p, but I gave her a nice warm bath (temp being about 100 degrees) and nothing came of it. I have all the correct lighting and everything and her temps are good (104 degrees basking, 82 degrees on the cool side). What else could be wrong with her? I really don't want to lose her because she's absolutely gorgeous (she's leucistic - all white). My other bearded dragon (about 2 months old now) has the exact same setup and he's doing beautifuly. Could she just be stressed and being a typical baby by sleeping alot or is it something else?




  1. hope the links below help. Good luck, and hope it gets better!

  2. im so sry, that happens a lot to be honest with you not all babys have interest in eating. worst comes to worst just force feed her baby food (turkey of course)

  3. My BFF has a breaded dragon and i'm always over her house and it sleeps all the time! or it just has its eyes closes

  4. shes probally just scared she is trying to adjust to a new enviroment same thing happend when i got my  o and try to give her baths that arent  tht hot luke warm not hot

  5. Go to a vet.

    Also she is younger she might need more encouragement.

    Does she have a hide?

    She might be shy.

    Doe she have a humid hide?

    She might want to shed.

  6. bring it to the vet if you are not sure, can someone answer the newest question!

  7. she probaly has to get used to her new inviorment.

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