
Baby bird fell out of nest?

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Found it sitting in my backyard under a bunch of really tall trees. Can't seem to find the nest and so I can't put it back. The mom is nearby, squawking and ruffling her feathers at me. I put a little brick barrier around it and added some dry nesting materials. What should I do?




  1. thats the best dont touch the bird and stay away.. if u help to much the mom will abandon it and if it doesn't have feathers yet chances are it wont survive withought mom. good luck

  2. if you can feed the baby then you may raise the baby, but if the baby refuse to eat any at all then leave the baby in a box and place the box in a save place in the yard mom and pa will come back to feed it.

    there is nothing to worry i always find baby bird in my yard, cause they always fell out the nest when they can fly a bit and this is what i always do. trust me the parents did came back. they actually wait you to give the baby back.

  3. Baby birds are very volnirable. If you can get the nest and fix it somewhat and place it in the same tree as high as it was or as high as you can and check to see if mom comes back. Stay int he house and dont go outside for a while. If no site of her in a coupke hrs, than get the babies.

    Well first off you need to get them in a safe and quiet room.

    Does it have feathers? ANy at all, does it stand? If its featherless and pink its a newborn, if it has feathers its a fledgling.

    If its unable to sit on finger or stand well you need to keep them warm with a heatingpad(low not too hot) and get an old towel and shap it like a nest shape than ge a washcloth and spread it over the baby birds. This is only if they have no fathers.

    You need to go to the petstore and get some formula. Formula for all birds. Get one cup and fill it with 1 cup of formula and one cup of warm water( The little cup that came with formula). Mix it well and use a syringe to feed it. Dont do too much at a time or it may regergitate. DONT give it water. It will choke. There is the right amount of water in the formula needed. Dont feed it worms. They have bacteria that could hurt them, only mom can break it down.

    When they are fledgling which it has feathers and can hop around then they can eat watermelon pieces, mealworms(HEADS cut off or they will eat its insides), bananas pieces, veggies pieces, and seeds(wild bird seed). Unless it cant hopp or sit on your finger or have any feathers you can feed him formula and he other foods listed. If he is pecking at stuff when you hold it then he doesnt need syringe. Only a bird cup.

    If its able to sit on your finger and hop on the ground It needs a cage, perches, and feed/ water cups. The cage can be for a cockatiel, thats a fine sixe for it. Cut up all the foods listed and place them in the food dich and sprinkle seeds on the bottom of the cage and mealworms(With heads cut off) on the bottom, it teaches them how to foriege. You can even add a mirror. It keeps them intertained. Make sure that you keep the cage cleam with newspaper on the botom. The bird will be more happier. Place the cage near a window to calm him down as well.

    When he can fly you can release him outside. As long as he can fly. He may come to you for food though. You could even keep him if you would like but get a bigger cage for thim.



  4. Remove the barrier and leave the bird may be trapping it in and making it vulnerable to a predator.  If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly. You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it.The parent is obviously caring for it.   If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest. Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched. If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival. Look for a rehab here:

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