
Baby bird food formula for duckling?

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i was wondering if i could use the baby bird formula food for ducklings. would the baby duckling would be able to digest dairy? any other food suggestions? i think the duckling is couple days old. i found the poor thing next to the reeds. it was laying on it's back and struggling. thanks




  1. go to your local farm store and get him some duck starter..make sure they don't give you chick starter most of that is medicated and will kill the little guy...but they need duck starter they can eat on there own and fresh water make sure it's not a big dish being so young he will drown..ounce he gets a couple of weeks old they will be fine but he needs get develope the oil on his feathers..and make sure you keep him in a warm spot away from any drafts for the first couple of weeks depending on where you are and how cool it gets at night you might not need a heat lamp as long as it's warm he's fine but the cooler nights he needs to be kept a little warmer..i would also get a box or basket or dog carrier to keep him in with some saw dust..they also like a variety of fruit and veggies but they have to be cut into small pieces being so young..and of course they like grass...if your thinking of keeping  him they make great pets and they are pretty easy to care for..if you are keeping him as a pet just spend as much time with him and he will make a very loyal and loveing compainion..i have been raising ducks as pets for over 3 years now and prefer them to a cat or have fun with your little guy and good luck..

  2. Go to a farm feed store and get some feed from them .put it in water in a shallow dish . Ducklings like chicks eat feed from day one .

  3. I raised a duckling...he is gone ( frozen)and I will never will get over it! was the best friend,son and pet that I could have!

  4. go and get it some special duckling for it.

  5. Like everyone else, I'll say go to the farm store and get the crumble for them.

    When you found it, were there any other ducks anywhere in the area or known to frequent that area? Sometimes the little guys are running along and get flipped over and can't stand back up on their own but there is usually nothing wrong with them. If you can go back and find the mama and babies, put it back. She will not abandon it and he will be alot better off.

    Once ducklings are raised by humans cannot be released into the wild. They will not surevive. And its a felony crime.

    Call a rehabber.

  6. In the morning, call TSC (Tractor Supply Company) or your local Feed Supply store and see what duck food they have for domestic ducks.  While you're on the phone, have someone else in your family use the internet or your phone book to call local state parks or your state's department of natural resources to look up 'licensed wildlife rehabilitators' in your state, or just to an online search of 'licensed wildlife rehabilitators'.  They can come and get the duckling, take care of it if need be, perhaps even find it a surrogate mother, and return it to the wild!  It has the best chance of surviving if you can get it to one of them.

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