
Baby blackbird urgent help?

by  |  earlier

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i have just found a young black bird on the grass it has fallen out of its nest its keeps moving its beak but is other wise still i have put it in a warm tissue padded box in a dim quiet place but what do i do now?




  1. go to your local pet store they have feed for wild birds that come with a dropper so that you can easily feed your baby bird... or even go buy earthworms at a bait and tackle shop and break it up and feed it to him slowly... hope that helps!

  2. Its quite possible the mother pushed the baby out of nest, knowing it was too sick. Many bird mothers won't waste the energy in caring for a sick baby.

    The next time you find a baby bird, first see if you can find the nest. If no nest, then find a small container, line with a washcloth or something comfy, and set up somewhere high the mother can find it.

    If the mother isn't around or doesn't return, then contact your local SPCA or animal rehabilitator in your area. The SPCA will likely have some sort of connection to one. Animal control might be able to help as well.

    Don't worry about scent on a baby bird. Mother birds don't use scent to recognize their young.

  3. Put it back where you found it!!! The mother will fly down to it and feed it. If there are any cats around, try to find a wildlife rehabilitator or a vet that will take in wildlife. Wild birds are very hard to raise, please find a professional.

  4. You don't stop taking care of the bird to get on the internet.  What is wrong with you people.  I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

  5. smash up food like worms and feed it. but the only thing is it will probably die. im so sorry it is so sad i know.

  6. If the bird is fully feathered, it is most likely a fledgling and has left the nest on it's own and it's parents are caring for it. It is normal for birds to leave the nest before they can fly.   You need to replace it where you found it..preferably in a scrub or tree so it is relatively safe from predators, and the parents should come back to feed it.  If it is unfeathered...then look for a nest and if you can find it...replace it into the nest.  Do not worry about your scent being on the chick..birds have a very poorly developed sense of smell and will NOT reject a baby that has been touched.  If you cannot find a nest, get the bird to a local wildlife rehab for it's best chance of survival.  Also, keep in mind, it is illegal for you to try and raise this bird on your own.  Look for a rehab here:

  7. call animal control.



  9. try to put it back in the nest, or if you cant

    give it water, or if possibly, smashed up bugs


  10. the first thought is a question? Is this a positive or a negative? I f I asked the farmer can I bring my bird over for lunch? he will eat all your corn for sure!!!! So is this a good or bad thing??? you decide!!!!

        second thing so you want to help the birdie. How did I guess that one?

         Well when the birdie falls from the nest. there is nothing more momma bird will do. Its sort of like life itself. some say its the law of the jungle///some say its natures way///Its liken to kids and parents///they say one thing you do an other////there are consequences to our actions/// now the birdie is on its own///momma said stay in the nest sweetie I will be back soon with lunch////sit tight do not wander around like an.....

    you dont want to play games with mama!!!!

         So I have to ask you dear did you touch the birdie???? with your bare hand???? no no no do not touch the birdie!!!!!

    mom will smell your sent for sure!!!!!  Now mom has brought back lunch where is the kid///no kid good bye for sure mom will abandon the nest for sure for sure!!!! She does not see the kid???the kid can fly!!!!!!!!!   yip ee...... he can fly!!!!!!!!!

    Or worse yet its not safe here anymore I gots to get the heck out here and fast#%$^&**** ~~**************

         So you touched the birdie welcome to mother hood the birdie likes worms and insects mom sends home on a daily bases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!get a garden hose!!!!!!!!!!soak the lawn down well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and pull out those night crawlers!!!You may have to change religions so you can feed the birdie!!!!!!!!!!!one life for the other!!!!!!!!!so you can grow up to become a liberal pro lifer nature freak and save the world one more birdie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!or call the fire department they have ladders to put the birdie back!!!!!!!!!!1please dont call 911 or the y may send the cops and they dont carry the end the fire fighters always get the call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!our motto is you call us we can fix it.... so do them proud dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are waitig for the call

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