
Baby brain ... terrified!?

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Hi Gals,

I have a question for all you yummy mummies.

When you decided you were 'ready' to be a mum, were you scared but excited?

My partner and I are now at the point where we know and hope babies are in our new future, and I couldn't think of anything more wonderful. Although I am really scared! Im not sure what I am scared of, but just scared!

Did any of you feel like this?




  1. Yes and it's normal. Having a baby is one of those experiences that are both scary and exciting all at the same time. You just do not know what to expect with that first one!

    We had our first in April and we're still learning things each and every day. I remember at the end of my pregnancy I started to panic, wondering if I was going to be a good enough mommy for our baby. I am. In fact, I'm the best mommy for him.

    Taking care of a human being, one that is going to rely on you for EVERYTHING, is a little scary. But I can tell you that every moment has been worth it and I wouldn't trade what we have now for anything.

  2. oh yes, most new mothers are terrified and new dads too.  U are prolly afraid of failing or repeating the same mistakes somebody made w/ u.  But most importantly, if u try ur best and love ur baby and give the baby attention and listen to ur child as well as be firm and consistent u will most lilkely do a wonderful job as a parent.

  3. My husband and I are planning for children. I know I'm not a mum yet.. BUT I am excited and also a bit scared at the same time just like you. It's normal. It's such a HUGE life change in more then a ZILLION ways.

    To be honest, the one thing I keep thinking about is the Labour. I get really excited and then I see something or hear someone make a remark about it and I just freeze! I just think "how am I going to do it!?!". Know what helps me through that? I think of the people I know who have done it. I have a friend that can hit her knee on a table and complain about it for a month, but she's had TWO kids. And she did it! I was there!

    That always makes me feel better.

    But that is one in a zillion things that go through my mind about it. it's scary.. but it's so exciting because I think it's one of the most amazing gifts we have as women. Good luck!

  4. both of my pregnancies were unplanned so i panicked with my 1st as i had just been promoted at work e.t.c however youd be surprised at how quick you get used to being pregnant i spoke 2 my partner about how i felt as i didnt want to stay at work due to problems with my pregnancy ( not everyones case though) and we agreed id stay at home with the baby i did that for 18 months then found out i was pregnant again, im due any day now and im still panicking because im going 2 have 2 kids at home with me now instead of just the one lol but i know when shes old enough to go back 2 school i can get a job in management again just as easy. so when you both feel its right go and do it! even when you end up being pregnant you are still scared til the second that babys in your arms but you learn to relax more and enjoy that special 9 months. take care

  5. I was terrified! I had very little experience with babies when we decided to have our first. It is very exciting but it's fully normal to be scared - there's nothing quite so scary and fantastic as being a new mother.

  6. You don't state your age, and you mention your "partner" so I assume you are not married. Yes you should be scared! Real scared! Look around you, how many perfect babies have you been around, you know, that never cry, p**p their pants, get ear infections that make them scream well into the night, spiked fevers that send you to the emergency room etc.

    Most Mom's to be are nervous about the physical part, not scared about being a parent WHEN they are really prepared.

    Are you financially secure, can you afford day care, formula, diapers, toys, rent, utilities and transportation.

    Will you continue to work? Who will take care of your baby?

    Do you usually need 7 or 8 hours of sleep, that comes to an end.

    Other than discussing how cool it would be to have a cute little baby have you and your partner discussed what is important to each of you in raising your child. Do you and your partner usually agree on things? If not, don't expect to agree on child rearing.

    Do you feel this person is going to stay in your life for the next 20 years, working for a common goal of financial security and raising a child?

    Do you know his family and feel this is the type of life you want for you and your child?

    Think about it,  being a parent is a lot of responsibility. Your children don't always turn out they way you think they will. Look at the relationship between your parents and you and the relationship your partner has with his. That is a window to the future.

    Good Luck!

  7. I think if anyone tells you they aren't a little afraid to have a baby, then I think they are lying. My husband and I are definitely ready and willing to have this baby. Excited?  Absolutely! Scared?  Totally!!!  You are not alone, normal normal normal!!!

  8. As a mummy of 6, I hear you. I'm 35 have a 17,14,12, 10, 3, &3 yr old. You will NEVER be able to afford kids and you will NEVER be able to afford to be without them! Life is always a wonderful desion! Being pregnant is beautiful and being a mummy is the best thing taht ever happened to me. The fear will leave and the blessing will begin! Congrats! Mummy of 6

  9. I think most people do- creating a life and becoming solely responsible for raising to have morals and be safe is a big responsibility and committment. Before I had kids I couldn't even commit to buying a gallon of milk...who knew if I'd be home to drink it by the time the expiration date rolled around? Would I waste it?  Maybe I should only go with the half gallon...

    The thing to remember is that you are going to leave the hosptial with a baby. Don't stress out thinking about a toddler or school aged kid or and your baby will take one day at a time. When you have a situation arise (whether it's behaviour or sleep issues with the kiddo or whatever) you'll take it one day at a time calling on books, friends or doctors for advice when you need it. There are so many people who have been there and already faced the challenges you will and that's what life is about- learning. Worry not- you'll be a great mommy- you already sound on top of things and aware that it is indeed a big undertaking!

    Best of luck to you and congrats on your decision!

  10. you have really made my day by posting this question.. I have been in the same boat all year... I have done nothing but agonise over wanting another baby for years.. my son is 9yrs in august and i have wanted  him to have a stable home and life before having another i'm not with his dad (long story... but just young) and i have a wonderful husband, financial stability and the perfect environment to have one but i am scared shitless!! what if i don't want it once its born?.. what if its toooo much hard work? Do i really wan't to put myself through this again? Are we always going to have the financial backing to get through raising another child? ...  All the what ifs buts and maybes but i look back at the tape of the day i held my son for the first time and nothing felt more right. I know that deep down i'll feel the same about any children i have in the future.. The hard part now and ttc... 6mths and still trying...

    GOOD LUCK>>> and thank you for reminding me i'm not alone in my thoughts of fear and anxiety!

  11. Absolutely.  Scared and excited all rolled into one.  My kids are teenagers now and they still scare the living daylights out of me sometimes!

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