
Baby bunny help!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just found this baby bunny that looks about 8days old by my fence and his leg is bleeding.My sisters actually found him and its been a while now,but the momma hasnt come back for the baby.What do I do???Should I just leave him there and wait or give him something to drink and keep warm in???After I wait,what then?




  1. Sadly you can't do anything for him. Do not touch him. His mother will come back during the night for him. Rabbits only feed their babies once at night time. If he looks skinnier every day you can assume he has been abandoned.

    Or if you think he is bleeding too much and he won't survive otherwise you can try to care for him. Research caring for baby bunnies online. I must warn you that it is very hard keeping baby bunnies alive. It will take a LOT of work.

    To find out exactly how old he is, take a look at my site. I have pictures of my baby bunnies from birth to 6 weeks:

    Email me if you need more help. Contact info on my website.

    Good Luck! : )

  2. Take him to the vet ASAP!! you don't want it to die and then have the mom come back and not find him!!

    Best fo luck to you and the baby bunny!

  3. Go to the vet/ Pet emergency hospital!!!

  4. If the bunny has markings on know that he is way too young to be away from the mom. ( i have a rabbit) The best thing to do is call your vet and ask him what to do! You cant be sure about the mom so dont do anything without calling a vet! Hope he is okay!

  5. you should take it to the vet!
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