
Baby catfish help ( in tank )

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i got baby catfish from a small pond by a beach and i put them in my tank will they live only answer if you have/had experience with baby catfish




  1. I once kept a small catfish (about 5 inches long) in a 20 gallon aquarium along with a small bass and a sunfish. I fed them all worms, and eventually returned them to the lake about 6 months later. There's no reason you can't keep wild catfish as pets, but they may end up outgrowing your tank eventually. Just remember to use an aerator, filter, and do about a 15 percent water change every week, and don't use any aquarium salt as that doesn't agree well with scaleless fish. And by law, make sure you return them to the exact same body of water you caught them in.

  2. ull probly want to mabey take some buckets and get water from the pond u got them at, use and areator for keeping them for a couple weeks not sure for longtime tho

  3. They will eat the food that sinks to the bottom that the other fish don't eat.  They're great for cleaning the aquarium.

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