
Baby chicken identifcation?

by  |  earlier

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I just bought about 26 baby chickens and me and my parents are trying to determine what breed they will be.. we had found a site that told us what breeds they would be but we cant find it again.... can you help us? the site had pictures of all the baby chickens and how to identify them.... thanks




  1. Was it or

  2. sorry but I don't know

    It could have been the two listed below by the other answerer

    or the one for mcMyurrayHatchery

    But no site can give you exact identification of breeds unless you know yourself.  

    websites only help to compare your chicks or birds against a photo

    example You think you have a rhode island red chicken and you want to be sure

    so you google rhode island red images and see what comes up and compare the pictures to your bird

    But sitres can't tell the breed of your chicks unless you yourself know.

    trust me on this one. =)

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