
Baby chicken problems?

by Guest61368  |  earlier

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well the the other day one of my hens had her baby and we were all excited about them that we forgot to check the nest for any unhatched eggs. once i got to the nest there was one egg and it was cracked but the ants were getting inside through the crack so we helped him out. we are worried that since we helped him out he will die but so far he is starting to walk and drink a little, the problem is that he hardly eats and i need help on how to feed him




  1. A chick hatching out of its egg is its first test of does it have enough strength to live.  While you may have saved its life you may just be interfering with nature.  Try to give it quick chick in its water.  This powder has vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes in it.  You could also add some sugar to the water.  Remember to gently dip your baby chicks beak in the water so it knows where it is.  Chicks can live at least 3 days with the food source it received from the egg and it will hopefully start eating soon.  You can not really force a chick to eat.  Good Luck!

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