
Baby choking on formula?

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Sometimes my baby (she's 4 weeks old) will choke on her formula, and it's like she cannot breathe. It really scares me and I'm afraid one time she will not start breathing again. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? You know when a drink or liquid goes down the wrong tube for you? It's like that's whats happening to her. Any info. would be helpful. Thankyou




  1. Well first, did you check the nipples to see if the whole was too big. Second, if that don't work, let her drink a little take the bottle out her mouth so she can catch her breath and give it back. Keep doing so until she is full. Third, if its not the formula from the hospital or the formula that you don't have to mix the water with make sure you  not putting too much water in it. GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Make sur the nipple is level 1 (slow flow) which is from 0-3 months, then try to put her upright so she is not lying while you give her the bottle then try to burp her every 2 ounces then give her again the bottle if she wants it. i that does not work contact her pediatrician for further analysis.

    Best wishes!!

  3. Try the first phase nipple for the bottle and sit her up a little.  That way she has to work a little harder to get the milk out and her mouth doesn't fill up as quickly.

  4. The hole is to large and the formula is coming out to fast make sure you have a newborn nipple for the bottle.

  5. as soon as I saw this I was like "I know what this is". The nipple flow is wrong. The baby is getting more milk than she can swallow when she sucks. Switch to a slow flow nipple. When you buy the bottles they come with the medium flow nipples and so you always need to buy new nipples when it comes to a newborn. Had to do this for both my daughters.  

  6. Maybe get her nipples with less of a flow, and make sure she is sitting upright during feedings.  My daughter often chokes on my breast milk, and I cannot control that flow! (I have tried)  I spoke with her pediatrician, who said she would be fine, and it is a common phenomenon.  My daughter just catches her breath, while I pat her on the back (I have to keep her upright already when she is eating) and continues to eat.

  7. check to see if there is bubbles in the bottle, or maybe you arent holding it up enough and she is choking on air

  8. Maybe the flow is too much.  My son used preemie nipples because formula with regular ones came out too quickly and he would choke.

  9. You need the lactaid formula it happened to my friend as well. her son stopped breathing for awhile it was scary

  10. I don't know how helpful I'll be, but my daughter has done this many times when drinking from a bottle. Her's is breastmilk, but it probably is just going down the wrong pipe. Also, if they are really hungry they will suck super fast and choke themselves. It's hard not to worry, but my baby has always been fine. I just sit her up and give her big pats on the back.

    Also, make sure you have a nipple that the liquid flow isn't too strong. Make sure she has to try for it and she won't get too much too fast.

    Good luck and congrats on the little one!

  11. Um hello its called breast feeding

    then she wont choke

    cuz its not thick!!!!!!!!

  12. Mention it to your doctor at her next appointment. It could be nothing at all, or it could be something that the doctor would need to know. But if she actually quits breating, then you deffinatly have to tell the doctor.

  13. as others have said...try a slower nipple but also remember that you cannot technically choke on a liquid... you can cough etc if it goes down the wrong way but it cannot get stuck and stop you breathing.

    COngratulations on ur bubba by the way

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