
Baby cockatiel needs help with full croup, what can i do?

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for 2 days now it has been full, the formula must have gotten cool i have double boiler type and thermomature, yesterday i gave some baby apple sauce did not help as yet. he would not eat this morning first feeding. any sugestions. please help he is 2 weeks old i did take him to the vet told me to put on a bra like garment. not much help there




  1. make it puke,it is scary and they can choke so do it slowly.Take 2 fingers and slowly press in on crop and massage in a circular pattern while tipping the bird slightly head down.If you are to afraid,give yogurt,it will aid in digesting the nasty stuff out.Apple sauce is the worst thing to give a sour crop in a bird.When we hand fed birds,we always mixed plain yogurt in with the formula and never had a problem raising them,but we lost several before the yogurt

  2. Give him Pedialyte you can buy it at any drug store. Give it to him just like you would give him his hand feeding (warm). Then message his crop to help him get the food down. The crop empties from the top. This will flush out his crop. Repeat this about every two hours or less for smaller birds. Do not give him any more food until this clears up. A slow crop is very dangerous. If it does not clear up in 24 hours with the Pedialyte, then get him to an Avian Vet ASAP..

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