
Baby cockatiel to work?

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Would it be ok to take a baby cockatiel about 3 weeks of age to work, to feed it and not keep at at home by itself? And how often do most people feed their baby cockatiels?




  1. if your work will allow it then why not! it still has to be fed.  be sure to keep him warm though. keep away from drafty cold air. the first couple weeks are the most important!!!

    when you got it, did who ever inform you on how to feed and how much??? pet stores dont usually send them to a home until they are done hand feeding or unless the new owner knows how. make sure you have learned the correct way. you can injure and kill them easily.

  2. thats ok just keep it warm, you feed them 3-4 times a day and start introducing hard foods. If you live close to work you can maybe drop in and feed it. handfeed one time less(eg. if you feed him 5 times start feeding 4)

  3. Yes you should take it to work- a baby that young should not be at home by itself- it should be getting fed throughout the day.

    Your teil should be eating 3 or 4 times a day at this age- he should be getting lunch around lunchtime so unless you live really close to work I would take him with me.

  4. At 3 weeks your baby tiel should be fully feathered (except for a small patch on its belly) and starting to explore it's surroundings more anyway so this is the perfect age to start introducing it to different environments and start exposing it to more adult foods in addition to continuing your handfeeding.

    You don't need to worry about the heat of a brooder at this age (unless for some reason your baby hasn't feathered out yet), but do keep it calm and reduce its stress level from all the new stimuli by offering a quiet, secure and comfy place for it while you're at work.  

    My babies were all still feeding 5 times a day at 3 weeks but right before 28-30 days they go on their pre-fledge diet getting ready to fledge so if this is your first tiel baby to hand feed don't be surprised to see your baby refusing some or all of the morning feedings for a few days before it hits 4-5 weeks.  It'll pick back up and feed normally after fledging and continue to reduce its need for formula on its own before weaning.

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