
Baby daddy said i was trespassing..

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I took my son to see his dad's mom on 8/2/08 ....I talked to his brother first to make sure it was ok wit his mom and she agreed so we went up there and everything went fine..his dad was in jail at the time he just got out on bond and found out about it..and next thing I know i got a warrant for my arrest for trespassing!..he wrote me a certified letter saying not to come to his house not to contact him last year in april but since then we've had mediation, been on family outtings the whole nine..and now he decides to retaliiate and say i was trespassing #1 he doesnt live there anymore he lives 2 houses down from his mothers house with his girfriend 2nd he was locked up when i came so the intake officer was like ask the judge how can he press charges when he was locked up what proof does he have i my question is how do i avoid getting a misdemeanor for trespassing..when his mom said i could come?




  1. OK I got it, your BF's mother is the birthing system of your love child with a convict who wants to press charges on this is were it gets foggy, you for tresspassing but you say he cant press charges because you all went to mediation?

    Heres what you do honey, go to the bank, withdraw every cent you have and go to the bus station. Buy a ticket as far as you can find and try again.

  2. unless there's a court order for u to stay away from the house u actually went to then yea you did if not u need to find out how he got to press charges on someone whom property u visited which doesn't belong to him. the owner or renter of that property is the only 1 who can press trespassing charges

  3. well if he doesn't own the property or live there then he has no case. Plus you where given permission by the person residing there. As long as you have proof of this then he will only succeed in looking like an idoit

  4. that is why we have courts - to resolve disputes.

    if what you say is true, then you go and testify, and the court will find in your favor.

    i see lots more drama ahead in your life though....i feel sorry for your kid if you don't spend every waking minute working with counselors and other professionals to learn how to be the best parent you can be given the sorry circumstance you find yourself in already.

  5. What is this...Jerry Springer?

    Try getting a lawyer...

  6. I see my education tax dollars were wasted again.  Get a lawyer, it was the mom's house not his.

  7. I don't know but it sounds like you're on the right path in life.  Keep it up.  Make sure you go out and vote and don't forget to have as many kids as possible.  

  8. I'm speechless.

  9. go to court and tell the judge what you told us  

  10. See? That's why should be married to the baby daddy before the baby comes.

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