
Baby development just curious?

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my 3 week old baby holds his head up alot and somtimes it falls back or forward fast when do they usually start holding it up on their own is he doing this to early?

Also when do they sit up or roll over?




  1. Every baby is different. Ive heard of babies being able to hold their head as early as 2 weeks. My little guy could kind of hold his around 3 weeks as well. But, like you said lose control of it sometimes. I would just be very carfull and not expect him to be able to just hold it on his own yet. You can let him do it a little so that it can help develop his muscles. But, Keep your hand close so you can keep him from hurting himself. And, let him do it gradually. They can roll over anytime 3 months, 4, 5... Just depends on the baby. Mine rolled all the way over by himself for the first time when he was 17 weeks to the day! But, he hasn't done it since. He can sit assisted, and is always trys to sit up, but he still needs help.  

  2. my son had very good head and neck control by 2 months.

    he was sitting up on his own unsupported by 5 months

    he didnt roll all the way over until he was 7 months

    and he has yet to crawl.

    he does however like to pull himself up on everything, and loves to stand.

    he is currently 9 months  

  3. babies should have complete control of their head at 4 months.

    sit up generally around 6 months

    roll over 4-6 months.

    all babies are different so if your child does this before or after dont be alarmed, he is doing great :)

  4. On average babies roll over both ways at 5 months and sit up at about 6-7 months unsupported. However, each child develops differently so it may be sooner or later...

  5. yes normal not you shud support as its not good for his head to flop about  and there are no fixed rules to when a child dose any thing any were from 3 months on  

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