
Baby dropping-labour?

by  |  earlier

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im due on fri, 4 weeks ago i was told my baby had dropped, so ive been thinking anytime now. well, went to midwife yesterday and she said he isnt engaged/hasnt dropped yet! this is my first baby, i thought they dropped weeks and weeks before labour? what is the lastest anyone reading has dropped before labour, on your first baby? looks like im gonna go over and get induced? thanks




  1. My baby dropped when i was 34 weeks and i also thought i was gonna go into labor anytime, even tho it was to early but i got to 38 weeks and nothing.. It was so hard to walk, it was painful.. i got induced at 39 weeks and he was almost 9 lbs and 22 in  

  2. Do not worry. how many of our grandmothers got induced? almost none. How many of their babies had died or had problem while being born, as a result? very few. Why? There were no doctors then when they were giving birth. So  THEY TRUSTED THEIR BODIESand gave birth  like all of the women who gave birth since first of the time. Just be strong and while you push without any medican intervention try to open up like a flower. Be carefull not to push before you open 10 centimeters . the doc. will tell you. Trust your body while giving birth and Do whatever your body tells you to . if the doc. tells you push but you do not feel like pushing, just do not push. I did that and I had a good comfortable quick birth. because your body knows better what you need to do. Remember there were no doc. 200 years ago when our grandmothers were giving birth to so many healthy babies.  

  3. Some people don't drop until thet are in labour. It doesn't make any difference to your labour. When I was expecting my first my friend was due a week before me. She dropped at 35 weeks and I never dropped at all. We gave birth with 2 hours of eachother. (at 40 weeks plus 3 days) So you may not need to be induced. Just relax and take it easy.

  4. No idea

  5. The baby can get into position and then move again and thats what your's may have done.

    Non of mine ever got engaged,when my waters broke with my first he never moved into position and after 18 hours of labour i had an emergency c-section because they still couldnt feel his head after hours of pushing. Dont panic tho as your baby could move right down during labour and everything go smoothly for you.

    Good luck and best wishes x*x
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