
Baby ear-piercing???

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i have a 3 month old daughter and i would love to get her ears pierced.

i understand that she is still a bit young but I'm not sure what age is a good age. i was going to wait until she was a year and a half or something like that what do you think?

i have a 3 year old son and i recently brought him to get his ear pierced and he looks absolutely gorgeous with his diamond in 1 ear and he loves it, he thinks its very cool and every-time he sees a picture of eminem or justin timberlake he gets all excited and says "mama mama that's me".

he looks just like his dad and he loves that.

do you think it is unfair to pierce a baby's ears or what are you'r views?




  1. I decided to pierce my baby girls' ears at a few months old, while she is less likely to have dirty enough hands to infect the site. There is no magical age when they won't touch ears, but if they are going to touch them, the 6 week healing period is safer at a younger age. Also, baby will not know what is happening, and will probably not jump until after piercing is done.

  2. Well, i think it's kind of odd to get your ear's pierced in the first place. But that's just me. I would wait at least until they could talk or something to ask them what they wanted. Because if you get your daughters ear pierced and then she hates it, your in for a ride. Also, you should figure out if you daughter CAN get her ear pierced and it won't bother her ear or give her an infection or anything.

  3. I would honestly ask your doctor about it because you want to make sure her little immune system would be able to fight off infection.

  4. If I were you I would get it done soon. My daughter is 6 weeks old and I plan on getting it done after 8 week shots. They will get over the hurt faster when they are younger and they won't remember it either. So get it done soon! :-)

  5. In the south indian culture, we pierce the baby's ears within the first month or two. This is because the baby will not know how to reach up to it's ears and pull on the ring....

    You may want to check with the place you will bring her to, they may have a age limit...


  7. I have heard that you should do it while she is still very young, before the age where she might pull on the earring.

  8. NO to piercing baby's body parts.

  9. She is not too young to have her ears pierced.

    If you can find somewhere to do it I would advise you to get them pierced as soon as you can. It is so much easier than when they are older - my eldest was much harder to get pierced when I wanted her ears pierced again when she was a toddler than when she had her first holes as a baby. All 4 of my children (3 girls and a boy) had their ears pierced as babies and I have had them done again since and the younger they were the easier it was.

    It is not unfair to pierce a baby's ears, especially if you want them done, because she is going to want to have pierced ears at some point anyway.

    Also baby girls look lovely with pierced ears

  10. i cant remember when i got my ears pierced i was really young... my mom said that i said it really hurt

    but i cant remember the pain so its all good ^^

    about 80% of girls will get their ears pierced eventually xD so its a good idea young.

    but im not too sure about 3 monthss...

  11. 3 months is fine. i got mine done wen i was around 3 months. so did my sister. the earlier the better.  she will cry alot though but she'll get over it in like 20 minutes.

  12. grandma took my first daughter at 6 weeks, two guns, minimal pain, no crying.

    find a place that does 2 guns so its not one ear, then wait and do the other. Its up to you when you want to do it, but i think its better when they are babies or a lot older, like 5.

  13. My daughter was a month old when we took her to get her ears pierced. She wore earrings as a toddler up until kindergarten-1st grade.

    Now she's 16 and she barely wears earrings. I think maybe if I would've waited til she asked me to get her ears pierced, she would enjoy wearing earrings more often.

  14. when i worked in a jewellerys and did piercing and were told not to do them for kids under 5. i had my ears done very young and still remember how much it hurts, so wait till she old enough to decide for herself

  15. I think they should get them done when they are old enough to ask you if they can get them pierced, i had mine done when i was 7, baby's shouldn't be having their ears pierced!

  16. i have four kids two who have ear peircings and one getting some soon in my experience about 10-12 months is a good age as they dont know whats going on to muck around get studs as the sleepers can be pulled and make sure you go somewhere that can do both ears at once and have a lollypop or a favourite treat at hand both of mine have cried untill the lollypop has hit their mouth about 2 seconds keep it clean with alcohol for 2 weeks clean daily then i have left thier piercing studs in with an occasional twist for a few years before i have changed earrings.

  17. I had my daughter's ears pierced when she was one month. I am a believer of piercing young, it is much easier than fighting infections because they play with them. I was nursing her so when they had one done just feed her a bit and same thing for the second, worked like a charm.

  18. when your baby can say "can i have my ears pierced" is defo best time my 7 year old has just got hers done in july yeh she looks cute but you have to be the adult and say"when"is the best time

  19. Piercing guns can't be totally sterilized so there is a risk of getting Hepatitis.  If you do want to get your baby's ears pierced, take her to a piercing shop that will use a single use, sterile needle.  I have heard doctors will also pierce baby and children's ears.
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