
Baby eating habbits!!! Worried!?

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Recently the babysitter has been feeding my little girl 6ozs every 3-4 hours, and I feed her 5-6ozs every 3-4 at home, and she can go longer during the night without eating. 5-6 hours. Yesterday she only ate 3 maybe 4ozs all day long,(every 3-4 hours. although somtimes she would only go 2 hours) I am worried and just wondering if I should be. She is 2 months old.




  1. Sounds like she is going thru a growth spurt like my son. he is almost 7 weeks old and he was eating every 4 hours and waking once in the night to eat and now during the day he is back to eating every three hours still consuming 4 oz at a time. All babies are different and the more active and alert they are the more they need. Good luck!

  2. Don't worry about it.  If she is happy and acting normal, she's probably fine.  She'll go back to normal within a day or two if not already.  If she is acting fussy or like she is upset to eat, you can try changing the nipple - she may want a faster flow.  Keep in mind also that babies tend to top out at 30 - 32 ounces in a day. If she wanted 5 - 6 ounces a feeding, she may have been hitting a growth spurt.  Babies should eat about 2.5 ounces for every pound they weigh up to that 30 - 32 ounces in a day.

    My son is 3 months old and is eating 6 - 7 ounces every 3 hours or so and sleeping 10 - 11 hours at night.  At 2 months, he was eating about 5 - 6 every 2.5 - 3 hours and sleeping 8 - 10 hours at night.

  3. Sounds like a growth spurt.. She really should only be eating about 3-4 oz at 2 monts.. 5-6 is a lot for one so young..   Here is a web site that may help..

  4. Your baby is adjusting with her schedule to eat. Sometimes she eat alot sometimes a little. Because she needs to sleep a lot now at night than before, her belly is getting more bigger so she drinks a lot. Sometimes the babysitter might think that she not yet full and asking for more that why she's feeding her more than the usual amount. Or better your ask your sitter about your concern.

    Better yet check her temperature if she might not feeling well or take her to the doctor.

  5. It sounds like she just came out of a growth spurt. 5 or 6 oz is a lot for a 2 month old and perhaps she was eating so much because she was just having a growth spurt. 3 or 4 oz every 2-4 hours sounds very normal for a  2month old =) Dont worry! As long as she is eating and having regular diapers she should be ok =)

    Her next growth spurt will probably hit around 4 months then 6 months. When my son was 6 months old he ate 6 oz every 2 hours! He weighed 20 lbs =)

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