
Baby eating too much what to do?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 3 months old and she drinks aprox. 4 - 6 oz per feeding anywhere from every half hour to an hour ... she has been doing so for 3 weeeks and hasn't really gained that much weight ... i am trying to get a hold of her doctor but his phone is busey. what do you think i should do?




  1. get a hold of another doctor....perhaps a partner in the same pediactric group....never think that one doctor is the only answer...suppose he was out of town or  something? what would you do if your baby was sick? always know that you can take your baby to a doctor...

  2. Is she eating in the middle of the night? If not, that could cause her to eat a lot more during the day... my son did that at that age. She could definitely be going through a growth spurt... and it's a "spurt," because she'll suddenly get bigger. Solids, including rice cereal, are not recommended until 6 months (and never inside of a bottle, spoon only). If she isn't spitting up a lot of what she ate and doesn't become overweight, I would let her eat as much as she needs. She might also be sucking for comfort. You can try offering a pacifier, but she might not take it if she isn't used to it.

    By the way... how many total ounces is she eating?

  3. I would try to go visit the doctor office.  Then they'd have no choice but to answer your question and concern for the baby.  All babies are different when it comes to feeding.  My 5 1/2 mth. old started out not eating much(I chose to nurse him) then as time went on, I can't get him off:-)so I think that if the baby is not really gaining alot of weight, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.

  4. You should definitly cut down on the feedings...Your baby probably has reflux and the sucking motion is very soothing to her....Have you tried giving her a pacifier???..I would also ask my doctor about starting to introduce cereals if she seems interested...Best of luck!!

  5. This is way to much food. Take her weight and multiply it by 2.5 this is how many ounces she should consume in a 24 hour time period. Make her an 8 ounce bottle and don't give her anymore until 3-4 hours later. If she is constantly crying she could be having some reflux/Gerd. She will stop crying when you give her food because the sucking action helps to push the food through the body therefore relieving some of her pain but once she is done eating the cycle starts over again. At the rate she is going now she could be consuming up to 24 ounces in a 4 hour stretch - way to much for such a little belly.

  6. stop feeding it.

  7. I say it's a growth spurt. Babies can't really overfeed themselves, when they are full they will stop. Talk to your doc just to put yourself at ease. But I don't think there's anything to worry about.

  8. she could be teething.

    also, if the doctor agrees, try giving her some baby cereal. it'll help fill her up a bit more.

  9. As father of several, I'd suggest she's no longer being satisfied with the bottle. Start trying cereals - she'll probably take it with pleasure.  You can't really overfeed a baby, any excess will come back up again!

  10. Sounds to me like its time to give her some cereal! Even if it's just a tablespoon!

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