
Baby fighting sleep or something else?

by Guest66889  |  earlier

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For the past 2 night Riley has been REALLy fussy when I try to put him to bed. He's 9 months old. Monday night he went to bed at his usual bedtime of 8:30 pm and around 11:00 he woke up. usually a bottle does the trick & he falls back asleep but he just SCREAMED and was awake until 2:00 am. He refused his bottles (formula, water and juice) but he did eat a little bit before he finally went back to sleep. He didn't have a fever and I don't think its his teeth (he already has 5 and this didn't happen with those ones). All day yesterday he was his happy-go-lucky self drinking his bottles & eat his food. Then again last night I put him to bed and he just screamed & refused his bottles again. We let him CIO or about 20 minutes (he was crying on & off) and we finally brought him out and into the swing where he fell right asleep at midnight. Now today he's been fine but it's almost bed time.

My question is, do you think he's starting to fight his sleep or do you think something is wrong? I find it odd that its just when its bedtime. He'll take naps just fine. I also think its odd that he's refusing something drink.

Please help!




  1. Hi there i had the same problem minus the drink with my son he's 20 months now but about the same age he started acting up at bedtime and waking up throughtout the night and i discovered he didn't like the cot anymore, so i took a chance and put him in a bed and he's slept fine eversince.

    Might not be that but worth a try.

  2. Emma was always a GREAT sleeper...until 8 months.

    She started crying when going to bed and waking up several times a night crying.

    I had never used cry it out, but a friend said her one year old had done the same thing and it was the only thing that worked.

    The first night she cried somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour.

    We let her cry when she woke up in the middle of the night as well.

    It only took a couple of nights and she got the picture.

    She was a much happier, rested baby.  It REALLY WAS what was best for her.

    I think it may be a phase they go through b/c they have finally figured out if I cry, mom will get me.

    Also FYI - Emma has never been a baby who will be rocked to sleep... she hates it and laying down is the ONLY way to get her to sleep.

    So, long story worked for us, only took a couple fo nights, and she has not regressed.  She still sleeps great.

    OH and is she wakes up now in the middle of the night (10 months old) I do go to her, but she hardly does.

  3. Well he might not be hungry, that may be why he is refusing his drinks. He is in the age range for separation anxiety. Sleeping tends to become a nightmare during this time. It will pass. Keep an eye on him...fevers, new teeth (some are just more painful coming in then others), is he pooping alright? If everything seems good, I would put money on the separation anxiety.  

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