
Baby flying b4 age 2 but returning after age 2.?

by Guest62043  |  earlier

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Hiya, I would just like to know if I go on holiday say 3 days before my child turns 2, then come back 1 mth after shes 2, would they charge me at the airport when returning. Or would it still be free because I booked a return before she was two.

I'll probably be flying British Airways or Air Jamaica.

Ta in advance. x




  1. It should be ok but ask beforehand! Better to pay BEFORE if you have to. Nothing worse than complications when returning from your trip but it should be ok to return on the same ticket.

  2. If you buy a return before she is 2 then the return will still be valid.

    Enjoy ur trip!

  3. I went to Jamaica March of 2007 left 4 days before my son's 2nd birthday and returned when he was 2 years and 4 days old. I flew Air Jamaica and it was fine, they never even questioned his age on the return. They still treated him as if he was under 2 so the only thing I had to pay was the $12.00 fee they charged before departure.

    Have a great time, Jamaica is beautiful.

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