
Baby food for the first and and she did this........?

by  |  earlier

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I had my daughter who is 4 months on cereal for a week now and so tonight I started her on baby food. I fed her the carrot kind and she ate it just fine but about 20 mins. later she spit up twice. It wasnt too much but enought that it got the neck line of her shirt wet. I cleaned her up and then a few minutes later she did that again. It looks like make saliva along with a lil of the baby food. It isnt actually puke is this normal? what should i do?

Oh yeah she never did this with cereal but sometimes when i just give her a bottle she will spit formula up....dunno if this matters or not




  1. this is quite normal. The baby food thinner than cereal. What you saw was probably just some she didn't swallow. My two older did this also and I never worried. My youngest isn't ready for food yet. But your baby's digestive system is still quite immature. You can try maybe mixing cereal and the baby food. This worked well for me.

    Good Luck

  2. I would prob wait until she is 5 months to give her baby food...that's what I did because my daughter spit up her formula all the time.  

  3. Why does everyone try to feed their babies to early !!!!!! Its recommended by doctor to wait until they are 6 months old. Your child is trying to tell you it cant handle it .

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