
Baby formula go bad with in a hour.... ?

by  |  earlier

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but what happen to it? and what happen to your baby if he/she drink formula that is pass a hour?




  1. Ok, this is what I sometimes do:  if my daughter leaves 2 or more ounces, I will save the leftover formula for her next feeding.  It's not recommended, but she hasn't had any problems from it.

  2. The powder formula is good for up to two hours to be safe.  I think that after that bacteria starts forming which can give your baby a stomach ache all the way up to killing him or her.

    It's better to play it safe.

  3. My niece was formula fed and they had her bottle out from about 9 pm until the morning and she never got sick from it.

    The problem about standing liquid is that the longer it stands around the quicker the bacteria growth is.

    Refrigeration just slows the process.

  4. Once a bottle of formula has been drunk from, it is only good for 1 hour at room temperature.  That is 1 hour from the time the feeding started.  Reason is that bacteria from the baby's mouth is left on the nipple and can potentially contaminate the formula.  Formula, whether liquid or concentrate is not sterile.  If there is formula left after the feeding, it should always be discarded and never stored or put back in the fridge.

  5. Okay I am a bad mom. When my kids were babies, and didn't finish their bottle, I would stick it back in the fridge for latter use. I never used a bottle that was a day old, but have used ones that were a couple of hours old. Nothing ever happened to my children.

  6. Most formula can be left out at room temperature for a maximum of 2 hrs.  It can be refrigerated (powder form) for up to 24 hrs.  And the can of powder formula can be stored for up to a month.  It might cause your baby to get sick if they drink spoiled formula, they might get diarhea or throw up.  It just really depends.

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