
Baby gift question? Need Ideas?

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A good friend of mine is having her second baby next week (scheduled c section). We don't know if it is a boy or girl it will be a surprise. The thing is I want to get her something but I don't want to get her. I don't want to get toys or clothes because they are moving out of the country in a few months. I was thinking maybe a gift bag of stuff like diapers, wipes, lotions, shampoo. If you got that gift would you appreciate or any other ideas?




  1. What about a giftcard?  

  2. I personally think diapers, wipes, lotions, shampoo... are the best gifts you can give to a mom. I got so many clothes, my daughter didn't have time to wear them all. But they will always need diapers, wipes and the other basic stuffs.

  3. Your friend will probably appreciate the gift bag filled with all the useful things you mentioned.  Something unique could be a personalized baby book with the baby's name on it.

    Here's another idea...get a few cheap things at first...gather the baby information (name, DOB, weight, etc.), a few pix and put together a book (go to,, iphoto on the mac OS).  It may take a while but the mom AND the baby will definitely appreciate it (when he or she grows up).

    Good Luck!

  4. get a superr soft and big teddy bear :)

  5. I think that it is a perfect gift idea because she probably has enough of those items already, clothes and toys. If I could recommend one thing to get her is a thing called g-diapers which are very in right now, or at least where I live. Also babies go through a lot of the things you mentioned so it will be well worth it and she will like it a lot. Good Luck.  

  6. the best baby gift I received that I still use now that my daughter is 3 was, embroidered wash clothes, in the theme of our nursery. My girlfriend put them in a basket with baby soaps, bibs, lotions, etc. There were about a dozen, supper soft wash clothes. She had our family name put on some, tiger and piglet on a few, they were great for cleaning up after feedings and at bath time. As my daughter grew and started self feeding and cleaning we kept a cloth out next to her as she ate. Now at 3 if she makes a mess she says "That's OK I can clean it" and off th the kitchen she goes to get her wash clothes to clean up with. They have been priceless and I will do them for any basket I put together. Good luck

  7. Diapers are great and she will be able to use them. get a size 1 because she will be able to use them before she moves. Another great idea is gift cards . you can even check and see if she can use them wherever she is moving and that way she can use it when she needs it!  

  8. dipers, wipes, lotions,ect make a great gift and she will use them..but how about a gift certificate to a resturant her and the daddy like and  you can baby sit for them  the nite they use  will give them a  nicely needed break

  9. One Spoiled Baby has some great baby giftbaskets! Also, diapers are a really great gift because every mom needs them. Someone mentioned diaper cakes in an earlier post...that's a great idea. Also, maybe paying for a maid service to clean their house the first couple of days she is in the hospital, so when she comes home with baby it's all clean!!  

  10. Be wise and don’t waste money on something that is not necessary for a baby during his first months. Or, your friend

    will be glad to receive from you a present devoted to her. I did it myself for my friend when she’s got a baby girl.

    I bought a nice basket for a new mom with all that oils and spa products to help her come back in shape.

    She was very happy with that!

  11. Diapers are always appreciated and used!!  "Diaper cakes"  are a great way to present this practical can add lotions, wipes, etc. as the 'decorations' on the 'cake' made from diapers.  

    check out this link for a pic and how to:

  12. that is a pretty cool idea. diapers are always something that can be used.

    An idea that I was thinking of for my sister in law is a bunch of pre-cooked casseroles to put in the freezer. She is due to have her first baby the first week of december. I thought that if she had say a weeks worth of dinners in the freezer she would not have to think about what to have for dinner for the first week home. I was thinking of things like meatloaf, meatballs, quiche, chimichangas, spaghetti sauce, and things like that. I would also have to put in a batch of my pecan pie muffins and my peanutbutter bars.

    another cool thing would be to call her the first week she is home and ask to bring her dinner. after my oldest was born a friend brought us homemade stromboli, salad, bread, dessert, and a bottle of sparkling cider. all I had to do was dress the salad and serve. You could also ask her does she need anything (milk, bread, diapers...a sitter so she can shower).

  13. You already have a good idea but you can also give her a gift card to babies R us or target

    Good luck

  14. Maybe a gift card that you know is in the place theyre moving to. Yeah a gift bag would be nice and a nice carrier bag for those stuff.  

  15. yes. that is usually the gift I get 2nd time moms. i would not get shampoo. get baby wash. I still have bottles of shampoo from when I had my 3 year old. Get things like orajel, baby Tylenol, baby advil, etc.  

  16. i think your idea is great

    those are more usefu than clothes and toys


  17. I have always done diaper cakes for my friends who are expecting or have children already.  It is a cute way to give them a gift of diapers and lotions and things like that but it can be cute and decorative for a while especially if you use a little bigger of diapers in it.

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