
Baby girl name? Nice or Awfull?

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Our first daughter we both decided on the name chloe, i liked Evie better but my boyfriend hated it so i was a bit upset i didnt get to name her evie. But i loved Chloe too so it wasnt that bad.

But now iam pregnant with my 2nd daughter and i looked everywhere to find the perfect name and i found the name Esme! and i absolutley love it! ive heard it before, pronounced Esmie, but i know it can also be pronounced Esmey and i love both pronunciations soo much! only thing is my boyfriend hates it. He says she will get picked on at school because its an unusual name. I have an unusual name and i didnt get picked on. and why would you pick on someone called Esme? He just really does not like it, ive tried to find other names for my daughter but everything ive found and people have suggested just arent the same. He also told his family infront of me and his mam said she doesnt like it either! i said i dont care what she says, its my baby really. but if more than 1 think its horrible. . is it really that bad? x




  1. it's kinda cute, but I don't like it as much as I like evie.

    Chloe is an adorable name.

    You gotta tell your boytoy that no matter what name she gets, she'll get picked on no matter what. everyone's name gets fun of.

  2. Awful  

  3. It's not terrible.  Though to be honest, it sounds like a nickname for Esmerelda.  That's what I would assume if I saw the name.  

    I do appreciate your liking for interesting names, but Esme doesn't do it for me.  Regarding "Evie" - what ifyou named her Eva or Evelyn and called her "Evie" for short??

  4. Have you read the twilight books? The mother's name is Esme. I like the name personally but you'd better watch out or people might think you're a twilight fanatic :) which isn't a bad thing ;)

  5. i love the name Marlee but you can also look up baby names on line  i also think Esme is a really cute name too!

  6. I really like it. I don't think it is awful at all. I like unusual names. It will make your daughter stand out from the crowd. Although I think that I would wait until the baby is born to decide completely. She may not look like an Esme.

  7. Its  a nice name but its not something youcan call her if your other half really doesnt like it. She and you and the reat of the family have to live with it for life and he probably will get used to it but at the end of the day its a joint decision.

    Maybe if you keep refurring to baby as Esme he might come round to the idea.

  8. Make Her Middle Name Esme. Personally I Think It's A Great Name But The Baby Is His Too (??) And He Has A Right To Choose Aswell.

  9. My Appinion is:

    I Love the name Esme and Chloe.

    But You Both Really Do Need To Decide Together. If You Both Realy Cant Decide, Ask your daughter, if she isnt to young. You told us that he said she will get picked on because off her name. Well that isnt true because your name is unuseral and you didnt get picked on. Also my names is unuseral and meny people that i no have never herd it befor. She wont get picked on because that is a lovey name.

    Think about it x

  10. No not at all i think the name Esme is very cute!! Ive never heard that name before, but now that u told me about, i really like that name. Good luck!!

    Ps- im not lying i think its cute, chloe and esme (btw) is VERY cute together.  

  11. its not extremely cute but its not horrible. if you like it name her that and you could always give her a middle name as insurance. if no one likes her first name pick a middle name that your fiance likes and compromise.

  12. I like it. It was the name of the mother in the Twilight series. Personally, I like it pronounced "ezz-may" better.

    But if your boyfriend AND your boyfriend's mother don't like it, why don't you suggest having it as your daughter's middle name? I like Clara Esme. :)

  13. It's your baby! You have to give birth to the thing. But... I personally agree with your boyfriend. Esme... Sounds like a grandma. So if you are giving birth to an 80 year old, go right ahead.

  14. I love unique names! Esme was a name I considered for my daughter (we settled on Piper). In the end honey, you fill out the birth certificate. Stick to your guns. If you love the name that is all that matters. Name her what YOU want.

  15. i don't think it's bad i mean for what it sounds like he picked your first daughters name so you should be able to have some say and choose your second daughters name! so i really don't find it too bad for you to have some say i mean it can be nice to have your husband/ boyfriend choose the name BUT  a mother knows best... and everyone has different names and it's not like it's bad i dont knw any kids that get picked on b/c of a childs name TRUST ME.... just go with what faith brings you!!!!

  16. Naming a baby should be a joint decision between the parents, so you need to pick a name that you both like.  The rest of the family's opinions don't really matter - it's your baby, but the daddy has to like the name too.

  17. I am sorry, I am not too crazy about it, but it is totally up to you....that is why I kept my daughters name a secret until the very end, because I didn't want anyone's opinion to sway my decision of Avery Anna.

  18. hi its a unusual name its nice theres a ring to it im liking it......

    esme mmm ye its nice evie is nice to so is chloe well your boyfriend got to choose the last name tell him you would like if he let you choose this name....i dont think the name is bad kids get on picked on at school for lots of things not just names its a chance you can of luck with the baby hope everything goes well.....and you get to pick your name ;) *GOOD LUCK*

  19. i think its a pretty pretty name!

    maybe, you could do like esme as a middle name, or the middle name you boyfriend likes.

    since he picked chloe for your first daughter (even that that is a pretty name too) maybe he will compromise!

    good luck, congratulations, and I bet whatever name you pick will be reallly pretty! :D

  20. evie is better.  Would he reconsider on Eve, Eva or Evelyn and then you could call her Evie?

  21. I don't like the name at all but I have a question. What is with all these people having babies with their boyfriend. Do people not get married anymore?  

  22. i love unusual names i wish everyone in the world had i different name its original and i like it

  23. It is in a book series that is really popular right now. I don't really like it, to be honest. Try Alice or Rosalie or Bella?  

  24. I love the name Esme! And I doubt she will get teased because Esme is becoming a popular name again! If you love then I say name your baby that! Its your baby!

  25. It's a gorgeous name, go for it! Also Esmey is the better pronounciation in my opinion :-) x

  26. I think you should do what you want. I think Esme is a really pretty and classy name, I mean, you've been carrying the baby for 9 months, you should be able to do whatever the heck you choose. If not, find a compromise with your boyfriend on a different name, perhaps Esme could be her middle name.

  27. i mean i think maybe you should compromise and make that her middle name and come to agree on a name you both like for her first name

  28. I like it. A friend of mine has a little girl called Esme Grace. Love it. Don't know what to do about your husband though, mine paid no interest what so ever with our kids names. All I got was "whatever you want." I wish he showed as much interest as yours.  

  29. esme is short for esmeralda, of latin orgin

    it would be nice if you named her, jasmin,  chloe and jasmin

    or jennifer, chloe and jennifer

  30. Well it is your boyfriends child too, so you should both decide on a name you both like. If you really love that name, just make it the middle name.

    And i agree with your boyfriend, i think your daughter would get picked on.  

  31. No way! I love it! I honestly do. You should definitely use it as either her first or middle name.  

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