
Baby girls ears pierced/Baby boys you remember? are you traumatized because of it?

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do you regret that your parents had it done?

I didn't realize there were so many people who were really against it until I ran into the questions here on answers.

I've had my ears pierced since I was a baby and never thought much about it. I can't speak for the guys. Just wanted to hear your thoughts.




  1. Poking a hole through one of the most nerve poor areas of the body (the ear lobes) hardly compares to hacking off the most sensitive part of a male. That "flap of skin"(the f******n) has 20,000 nerve endings in it, your clitoris has about 8,000 a "circumcised" male is left with about 4,000 nerve endings in his glans and they are not really the kind that are meant to feel pleasure. Besides that, they get so desensitized from the constant friction of clothing that by the time a mutilated man is in his forties his p***s has less sensitivity than the outside of his elbow.

    A pierced ear grows shut if you leave it empty. A doctor can't give me back my f******n.


    I feel bad for fellas who are uncut.

  3. They don't remember, and most people don't mind, because that's all they know.

    However, there are plenty of people who are upset that their parents modified their body for no good reason without their permission. I have known some people whose ear piercings got infected and they ended up with scars or other problems as an older child, and they resented their parents because of that. There are many men upset they were circumcised at birth, and a large number of these are investigation f******n restoration (google it).

    Usually though if a girl doesn't like the ear piercing she can leave out earrings and it will close up, but not always. A circumcised guy is pretty stuck. He is missing a lot of sexual sensation. A lot of those guys get quite defensive and say rude things about f******n (which they know nothing about) and try to do the procedure on their sons etc.

    I am glad my body was left alone, I would be pretty angry if my ears or genitals had been changed for no reason. My boyfriend is not circumcised and happy about that. I wouldn't do either if I have children. Both situations should be the choice of the individual. All the girls I know got their ears pierced at 10, 13, 16, by their own choice, and with minimal pain. Circumcision is more painful but there is no reason to get it done, a guy is unlikely to choose it or need it and they do get pain killers which babies don't.


  4. My parents did NOT pierce my ears when I was a baby and I'm very glad they didn't. I got to choose it for myself when I was ready and  wanted to have it done. I was 17 years old and my grandmother took me to have it done. It was a very special time for me and I'm thankful that my parents let me remember and choose it for myself. I was also really into sports (not into jewelry) when I was younger so earrings would have been a hassle.

    My in-laws did NOT chop anything off my husband's p***s when he was born and he's extremely glad that they left him whole. He is not interested in being circumcised at all, but if he did want to be then he could have it done easily enough just as a friend of his did. However, if his parents had taken this choice away from him, he would never be able to become un-circumcised.

  5. No, I don't regret that my parents had done it. Like the first answerer, I think it was a good thing! I don't remember it, and I have perfectly pierced ears. I don't have to go through all that pain that I will surely remember, which is perfectly fine with me.

    I didn't know there was anybody against it actually, so the thought is new to me.  

  6. At least with ear-piercing it will heal itself, and usually doesn't leave physical or emotional scars, unlike male genital mutilation, called circumcision.

    I am a victim of male genital mutilation, which was perpetrated on me as a helpless infant.    I was sexually assaulted and mutilated against my will, and this resulted in more than the usual nerve damage.

    I could not reach o****m in normal s*x because of this.

    It took years for me to even realize what the problem was, and then years more to finally discover f******n restoration.     Restoration isn't easy, and takes several years, but at least I have more than a functional sensitivity regained, with orgasmic intensity increased, also.

    The physical and emotional scars from this run deep.     I have anger about what was done to me, and will never forget nor forgive.   It ruined my life, and I will oppose genital mutilation as long as I live.

    Perhaps I can spare some others from this cruel and unusually barbaric practice.      If you don't agree that this is indeed cruel, watch one of the circumcision videos on the internet.    I cannot bear it, such cruelty isn't even done to animals in this country.

    Circumcision of female minors is illegal in the US.     Where is equal protection for males?      Isn't this completely sexist and unconstitutional?     Genital mutilation is mutilation, whether perpetrated on males or females.

    Thousands of guys are restoring their foreskins, as more of them discover that circumcision is the worst hoax ever perpetrated on the male s*x, and that nature gave us foreskins for a reason.

    A f******n is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.

  7. I'm GLAD they had it done when I couldn't remember.  I'm sure I cried and was over it after a few hours.

    I wouldn't do it now.  Back in the day I think things were a lot sterile than they are now.

  8. My parents did not pierce my ears. I am glad it WASN'T done. I made my own decision in the matter. Its my body, I'm glad it was MY choice. -Neb

  9. My parents didn't pierce my ears, and I didn't pierce my daughter's ears.  I think it's pretty stupid to cause a baby unnecessary pain and risk infection just so she can look cute, but infant ear piercing and circumcision are two completely different things.  Circumcision is barbaric mutilation.  Many, many men feel mutilated and violated because of what was done to them as babies, even if they can't remember it.  

  10. I was deeply traumatised by my circumcision, once I realised what I was missing out on. I saw a friend masturbating when I was about 12 and the way he could stroke the entire length of his p***s with the gliding action of the skin was a revelation.

    I researched the subject, trying to convince myself that I had the better deal but came to the opposite conclusion. Not one medical organisation in the world recommends routine infant circumcision anymore because there are significant risks and losses and these outweigh all the claims of benefit.

    Circumcision is the amputation of the f******n, not extra skin but an integral part of the p***s; measuring 15 square inches in an adult and accounting for over half the penile skin, lots of specialised nerve endings and the most sensitive parts of the p***s. The US is the last western nation still doing this to about 50% of its newborn males. They still don't generally use anaesthetic either. It's child abuse, pure and simple.

    A very recent study in New Zealand followed a cohort of boys through life from birth to age 32. About 40% were circumcised. The intact males had a slightly lower rate of sexually transmitted infections than the circumcised but there was no significant difference.

    Using surgery to mutilate the genitals instead of washing in a modern western society makes no sense. Normal intact male genitals are, if anything, easier to wash than female ones and the same substance, smegma collects in the genital folds of both sexes.

    I was an infant when I was circumcised, so I don't consciously remember but some men do and many have revealed deep trauma memories under hypnosis. My deep-seated anger forced me to get counselling and EDMR trauma treatment.

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