
Baby has been measuring ahead? what date would I go by?

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I am confused about when my baby is due. I was given Dec. 7th by my OB based on my lmp (which was a guess because this wasn't planned so I didnt track my dates). My ultrasound dr. says he measure to be around Nov. 30th. Today, my OB says he is measuring 2 weeks ahead of the Dec. 7th due date. What the heck? anyone go through this? im just wondering when to expect him. What date should I go off of when reading the week by weeks and everything else?




  1. i was in the same situation as u. going by by lmp my due date ws 26 aug, but when i went for my 1st scan my date changed to 23rd sept and has stayed the same bar a couple of days at each scan. i would go by the scan. i think the reason that my lmp did not give an accurate date was because i stopped birth control last sept so my cycle was messed up. good luck  

  2. Go by the Ultrasound. Babies have a tendency to measure two weeks ahead or two weeks behind, but as long as you had the first ultrasound at 12 weeks or before and got an estimated due date from that, that's the one you are supposed to stick to. Or if you knew your lmp.

    Right now, I am 16 1/2 weeks along, going by my last missed period, but on the ultrasound last week the baby was measuring a week small - the due date was changed for the 3rd time, and I am just sticking by my last missed period date since I know when I had intercourse to get pregnant.

  3. i dont which one is more accurate but i i was originally given a due date of september 7th based on my LMP and i kept track off my cycles and the ultrasound gave me a due date of september 19th so my doctors go by the september 19th but i am sure that the september 7th one is more accurate.

  4. My due date was actually changed 3 times. It went from being Nov12, to Nov 9th and is now and has been Nov 5. My dr said that dates and ultrasounds are basically a estimate. They use actual measurements to really determine the date. When I had my 20 week ultrasound, the tech was measuring all of the babies limbs and organs and then using those averages to gather a particular measurements equivalent to the dates which is how they got Nov 5th. Hopefully they are right! I would go by whatever the dr told you at the last appointment based on measurements.

  5. Yes its confusing ... my baby measures 3 weeks larger and I was told I would have him by Aug 27th ... and then Sept 9th and now Sept 14 ... I think he is just larger or that thing isn't accurate ...

    Go by the Dec 7th due date ... you may have him earlier or later ... that's what my doctor told me ... sucks huh!

    well at least you know at the end of all this you will have a little bundle of joy :)

  6. i would go by the ultrasound, they are the ones to actually see it. i am going through the same thing, except i havent gotten to the mesure prt yet... thats i think 2 weeks from now. the doc says jan 4th, the ultrasound jan 12th.. so its only a week i figure it will be in between then

  7. Ultrasounds become less accurate as the pregnancy progresses because babies end up growing at a more variable rate. Unless your baby consistently measures off by more than 2 weeks for more than 2-3 ultrasounds, they usually will not consider switching the due date. Due dates are estimates only anyway, and technically your baby could come as early as 37 weeks and still be full-term.

  8. I am measuring 1-2 weeks ahead every visit. My ultrasounds are measuring him to my due date. They are just measuring your uterus not the baby. It could be just the way he was laying at that time or you could have a bit of extra fluid.

  9. I think you should go by the nov. 30th date. Ask your doctor what he thinks to be sure.  

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