
Baby has not moved...stressed, is she ok?

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i have been stressed cause of some drama in my life, 21 weeks pregnant and i usually feel her move. But today i feel nothing, i lost one child at this stage of pregnancy so extra paranoid. should i call doc, or just relax?




  1. Drink some juice and she'll probably get going! But stop stressing out! You don't want that to effect the baby!

  2. drink something with caffeine and lay down. If you don't feel her move within a couple of hours contact your dr. She is probably just having a lazy day buy it will make you feel better.  

  3. You stated a miscarriage prior to the conception of this baby. GET TO THE DOCTOR ASAP!

  4. Just relax! The doctors don't really like to hear from you for the baby not moving until 28 weeks.  This is because they're still fairly small, and they have a lot of room in there.  babies aren't on a schedule yet at 21 weeks, and their movement is often very sporadic and unpredictable.  Lay down on your left side and drink some ice cold juice, but if she doesn't move, try not to stress too much.  If you don't have cramping, spotting, regular contractions, leaking fluid or rhythmic back pain, there's no need to call the doctor at this point.

  5. Eat something sweet and lay on your left side.  You should be able to feel her after a little while.  If not, call your doctor.  However, also know that this early in pregnancy it is common to not feel the baby all the time.

  6. I would call your ob... it will put your mind at ease. I'm sure everything is ok. Good luck!

  7. the baby could just be sleep try moving around or massaging your stomach to see if you can get her to move but i would go to the doctors as soon as possible, just to be sure

  8. When at this stage the midwifes say you should feel your baby kick at least 10 times daily. If your not I'd recommend you give your local hospital ring for advice. They may recommend that you go in foe a check-up to make sure everything is ok. If your worried no matter how trivial it seems have it checked no one knows your body like you do so if you are worrird always have it checked.  

  9. I would just kind of relax for a little while and see what happens. Drink some orange juice or a soft drink with a little bit of caffeine in it and see if you can get her to move. Movement is kind of sporadic at 21 weeks, they don't usually tell you to start counting movements until around 28 weeks because of this.

  10. How long has it been sinced she moved? I would drink lots of water and talk to her. If it's been over  5 or so hours I would call the doc.  

  11. Go to the doctor, because of your history they will perform an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok!

  12. Do your to stop stressing, too much stress is very hard on your body and your baby. You don't eat or sleep very well when you are under stress.

    If you lay or sit quietly for one hour and don't feel her move, then I would call your doctor.  

  13. Depending how long it has been. If you haven't felt her in more than a few hours. I would call your dr. Your mind needs to be put at ease, since you have already had to deal with the loss of another. Do what you need to do to not stress.


  14. Since you have had a loss, go ahead and call your doc or head into L&D.  Have you tried drinking something cold and sweet?  That is usually the trick to getting a baby to move. Drink it fast, then lay down in a quiet room on your left side and concentrate on feeling the movements.  This usually does the trick.  However, since you have had a loss and are obviously worried, go in and get checked.  Better safe than sorry.

    Good luck!

  15. If you usually feel her move and you haven't yet thus far PLUS you lost one around the same time, you should most DEFINITELY call your doctor right away. Don't waste anymore time on here. Please do it. I know of someone whose baby wasn't moving (her first baby) at 33 weeks but she put off going to the doctor. Big mistake. She lost her baby boy. I am not exactly sure what happened.

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