
Baby have cold bottle?

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Day care normally gives babies cold bottles. But I do not think that is good for babies. Is it ok for babies to have a cold bottle?




  1. My daughter actually preferred a cold bottle.  I think it is ok.  Although, if your daughter prefers it warm ask them to warm it, it is the least they can do.

  2. Cold?? Jeez, the least they can do is make sure the water's at least room temperature. I warmed my baby's bottle untila few months ago (around 6-7 months) and started just using room temperature water. I would not give her a cold bottle. Yuck. And a shock to a baby's system no doubt!

  3. I believe the only reason warm bottles are given is because breast milk is warm. Breast is best so if you have to formula feed I guess the best you can do is make it as similar to breast as possible.

    EDIT: I just realized that cold at a daycare means refridgerated cold. I don't think they would have any serious problems, but you might give the baby brain freeze.If you drank 6 ounces of cold fluid straight, don't you get brain freeze? But the baby would probably refuse it if it became uncomfortable for them. Test it at home and see if he finishes a whole bottle cold. Because you wouldn't really know if he is finishing the bottles at daycare.

  4. I think it only matters what your baby likes. Most of the time a newborn doesn't have a preference it is what the parent decides. I believe in room tamp water for bottle making. I think warm milk sours to fast in my op ion and you really should breast feed. That way its always right!

  5. It really doesn't matter if the bottle is warm or cold but warm bottles tend to be more soothing and help them fall asleep

  6. Why  don't  you  think  day care  gives babies cold  bottles.No, it is  not good  for  babies  to  have a  cold   bottle   because if   they   drink it, it  make  them   illness.


  7. It won't hurt anything, but that just sounds like laziness to me. I'd look for a different day care. My daughter absolutely refuses to take a cold bottle, but some babies prefer it that way.  

  8. wow... find a new daycare.  if they can't be bothered to warm a bottle, what else will they be too lazy to do?

    a cold bottle might be fine for an older baby (6 months or so), but a small baby needs a warm bottle or at least a room temp bottle.

  9. My youngest much prefers his milk cold-as in right from the fridge cold. Even his bedtime bottle! It's perfectly safe, just some babies prefer them warmed. Very small babies should have them warmed though as the ice cold ness of milk from the fridge probably isn't too nice for tiny tummies.

  10. My son would only have room temp bottles, he refused warm ones! He is fine .

  11. Our son wouldn't even drink a warm bottle. Not even when he came home from hospital. He likes his milk cold. There is no harm in it.
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