
Baby heat exhaustion?

by  |  earlier

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my 1 year old son has been sleepy all day. he woke up this morning and was up for about an hour and then had a nap for 3 hours stayed up for maybe half an hour and then back to sleep again. i have given him pedialyte already, he has no diarrhea or vomiting but he feels very warm to touch and is very very sleepy. should i take him to the ER or just keep fluids in him? what are the signs of heat problems in a toddler?




  1. hes probably just hitting a growth spurt its probably nothing to worry about take his temp if he doesnt have a fever then dotn worry about it

  2. Don't you have a thermometer to check his temperature?

    Lethargy is a definite reason for concern, I would honestly take him in especially if you do not have a thermometer. I would take him to the ER to be sure.

  3. Sounds like he has a fever and maybe is fighting a virus.  Is there reason to suspect heat exaustion (prolonged exposure to the sun, etc)?  Call the doctor for advice, and give him some baby tylenol.

  4. Definitely ER!

  5. take him to the ER , its better to just go than take any chances.

  6. I'd probably call the pediatrician and see if it warrants going to the ER or not.

  7. I would take him to the emergency room to see what is triggering him to just want to sleep. Usually at one they are getting into everything.

  8. i would call the dr.   try getting in a luke warm bath with him and stay in there until it turn cool!!!

  9. What activities did you do with him yesterday? He may just be run down, or getting a little cold. Keep up with the fluids, fluids can't do anything but good for him. How hot is it where you are? Has he been in the heat long today? What's the temperature like where he is sleeping? If it's too hot it may be heat exhaustion.
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