
Baby infatuated with his mother?

by Guest67084  |  earlier

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Brady seems to be even more infatuated with me these days then before. Right now he's with his dad sitting across from me and he will not take his eyes off of me. If I glance over and look at him he will then smile and coo, and if I don't look at him he just has this blank stare waiting for me to look at him. He's about 6 and a half months and I know he's already starting to developing separation anxiety.

Anyone else with a baby like this?




  1. all mine have been like this! I would be lucky to have them sit on dads lap! They always wanted me!

  2. This is one of the reasons I love having twins. My SO and I each have a baby that loves to be with us. My DS is a momma's boy and loves to be with me. My DD is a daddy's girl and just loves to be with her daddy. Of course they each like both of us, but I'm sure they have their favorites picked out already :)

  3. Yes, both my boys were like that as babies and they still are mommy's little boys.  Whenever anyone else was holding them they would be ok as long as they could still see me.  They would laugh and laugh when i would say anything at all to them.  Isn't it great to see the love of your children :-)

  4. Yes my baby girl won't stop staring at me even when her daddy holds her! we are in love with eachother!

  5. My son is the same way!

    When daddy holds him he's looking at me & if i look at him he smiles & gets all excited. Yesterday hubby was talking to him & making faces but he didn't take his eyes off mommy. If i am near enough he'll lean towards me & want to grab me.

    This is new, btw, has been going on for 1-2wks

    God Bless

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