
Baby is 16 weeks old - is it possible to be pregnant again?

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My wife had a baby by emergency section on 9th may (16 weeks ago)....she had her first period after the baby on the 29th July - therefore we figured her next one was due on the 26th august - but nothing yet. We only had s*x a couple of times and always sued a question is:

firstly, is it really possible that she could be pregnant again (and I suppose the answer is yes).....and secondly, is it safe to be pregnant so soon after a section? have any of you been in a similar situation? Is it possible that perhaps her cycle just isn't back to normal yet?




  1. I had a friend who didn't wait the amount of time she was supposed to and got pregnant her first period after her 2nd child.

    She lost the baby within 2 months.  :-(

    As for safety wise, it's not recommended but it's possible to be Ok.  She would probably be considered high risk and require close observation by your OB.

    I had a c-section and we were advised not to become pregnant again until our twins were over a year old at LEAST but I became pregnant again when they were just 11 months old.  Oh well!  Close enough!

    Good luck!

    Chances are she isn't pregnant if you took those precautions.  Periods are wacky postpartum.

  2. Yes, she can be pregnant again. It's more probable that her periods are off schedule because the hormones are still imbalanced. Give yourselves some peace of mind and take an over the counter pregnancy test to find out for sure. I have no personal experience with c-section births so I would ask her OB-GYN if there are dangers to becoming pregnant this soon after the birth of your baby. I wish you all the best.

  3. It is very possible that her cycle isn't back to normal yet.  Even from May 9 to July 29 was a long time in between periods.  It is of course possible that she is pregnant if you are having s*x.  You say you used a condom, so she is probably just late.  Try to relax.  I had three c-sections, but my kids are 4.5-5 years apart.

  4. normal if she feeling health good.she can have it .that's was hap pend to my mum.when she wa pregnant   on me,hehe

  5. For some women, it takes time for their cycles to return normal again. It may take a little time. But since you guys did have intercourse, even with a condom, yes there is a chance of pregnancy. I would recommend taking a test to see whether or not. It should be able to tell you by now. Second, if she was pregnant, Im sure she will be okay. My good friend had her baby in febuary and found out she was pregnant at the end of May and she had a csection as well. There are risks, but if she is, the doctor will monitor her closely and Im sure everything would be fine. But I would definitely take a pregnancy test to confirm if shes pregnant or not. Good luck!

  6. I had all my babies by c-section and my first two were born less than a year apart.  So it's possible that your wife is pregnant already, but maybe her cycles just haven't gotten back to normal yet.

  7. i became pregnant again after my second son, when he was 16 weeks, and was on birth control ,but had missed a pill here and there, i know not very responsible, and he also pulled out..anyhow  i became pregnant but miscarried. so it is definitly possible. i think my body just wasnt ready!!

  8. It is possible, but just wait a little while and take a test, it may be nothing. She just might be off schedule. But my Dr. always told me that it is ideal to wait  year after giving birth to get pregnant again to let the body heal. But I have known many people who (either by choice or accident) have them really close together. good luck.

  9. I guess it could be possible that she's pregnant, but if you guys used condoms, she's probably not. More than likely it's just taking a little time for her cycle to regulate itself out. Also, pregnancy does all kinds of crazy things to your cycle. Being only 3 days late is usually not a cause for concern when it's the second period post-baby.

    If you two are really worried, give it a few more days and take a pregnancy test.

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