
Baby just a daddy's boy??

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I have a 2 year old son and here lately he acts like he doesn't want to be around me at all. Any time me and my husband go out to the store, church etc., he will scream bloody murder if I try to hold him, hold his hand, push the buggy or anything. Is this normal? Is he just going through a daddy's boy phase? Anyone else had the same problem with their baby? Now when my hubby is gone he is fine, just when he is around. But still it makes me feel bad.




  1. its very commen around this age to switch your preferred parent whoever is the primary care giver usually the Mom has priority up to about this age than for some reason the second parent all the sudden becomes more interesting. Happens all the time. Its just  a phase, but trust me when something really bad happens or he gets really scared or upset or hurt he'll still want Mom.

  2. Have you never heard of the terrible twos. When his teeth start dropping out and the permanents come in, he'll be looking for Momma.  

  3. g*y

  4. I have a very close friend whose 2 year old son is exactly like this.  When Daddy comes home, he runs to him and then ignores the Mommy unless Daddy is not there.  When the husband tries to kiss his wife, the little guy jumps between them and says, "No, no, no!!"  The Mom is very upset because her feelings are hurt.  This is something that happens often at this age; sometimes with the Mom being the preferred person and sometimes it is the Dad.  (I served as a Nursery Leader in our church for 18 months to 3 years old and it is something that is very common).  Your little boy will get past this and may even reverse his preference and choose you over his Daddy.  Don't feel bad.  Your little boy loves you and as he gets older, you will see that he will love his Mommy more than anything.  

  5. what did u do to your son are you mean to him

  6. Just a phase! My boys both did the same thing. Don't feel bad, enjoy the free time. Soon he be back to his old MOMMY ways!

  7. It is a relief to know that I am not the only one who goes through this. I have a 21mth old and he does the same exact thing. At times it can be embarrassing because it looks like he only wants to be his dad. when we are alone he is all over me. but when dad is around it is always about him and he screams when his dad even gets up to go to the trash can. i think it is just a phase and soon they will turn into mama's boys and then the dad will feel our pain lol

    I will look at your answers maybe someone will have some good advice for us.

  8. Dont feel bad - there's no one closer to a mother then her son. He's just going through a phase. It could be because he see's your husband a lot less then he see's you.... Whatever the case - keep your head up - he'll get over it.  

  9. Maybe the father is spoiling the child more than you. Find out what he's doing that makes your son seem more attached to him more than you. Don't worry it's nothing to be worried about.  

  10. All of my sons go through this phase. My two year old was just in this stage a few weeks ago.  When we went to church he wanted to walk in with my husband, hold my husband's hand, sit by my husband and when he had to go potty of course he could only go with his daddy. It is just a phase and he will be wanting only you in no time.  

  11. Its normal development,mommy.

    Most of his life he thought he WAS its ok ! There are kids that prefer Grandma to daddy or another sib.Its very,very ok he wants to identify with dad. After all the same s*x parent is extremely important to a little ones development! I know it hurts your feelings anyway,It did mine too :(

  12. Totally normal for his age.  If he still only wants daddy at age 5 and age 8 and age 15 - then you have a real problem.  But a 2yr old exhibiting some control over his parents and his own life is challenging, but totally normal.  He'll be back under your skirt in no time!

  13. my third child (also a boy) is like this.  he just likes daddy better; my other son likes me better.  my daughter can go either way.

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